We are searching for two researchers to contribute to an ambitious experiment addressing how risky decisions are made & why. Candidates to be at a postdoc level, though those without a PhD can be considered. One position is based at the London Mathematical Laboratory <https://lml.org.uk/>(behavior & theory focus), the other is based in Copenhagen at the Danish Research Centre for Magnetic Resonance <https://www.drcmr.dk/>(neuroimaging focus). There will be substantive opportunities for exchange visits between sites, and (COVID-permitting) summer school training in Italy. Interdisciplinary training will be central to both positions. For more details on the London position see here <https://lml.org.uk/research/economics/research-positions-in-ergodicity-econo...
and for the Copenhagen position see here <https://drcmr.dk/vacancies/item/1114-postdoc-researcher-position-neuroeconom...> .
Twitter thread here <https://twitter.com/hulme_oliver/status/1369677808872603652?s=20>. -- Ollie Hulme Senior Researcher at the Danish Research Centre for Magnetic Resonance <https://www.drcmr.dk/> Group leader: Computational neuroscience of reward group <https://www.drcmr.dk/reward-and-homeostasis> External Fellow at the London Mathematical Laboratory <https://lml.org.uk/> (+45) 2339 1399