**** IMRF 2020 | CALL FOR ABSTRACTS | Deadline March 01, 2020 **** IMRF - the International Multisensory Research Forum - is now accepting abstracts to be considered for poster and talk presentations at the IMRF 2020 Meeting. The IMRF 2020 is taking place in Ulm, Germany June 22-25, 2020. The IMRF hosts around 300 contributions from all over the world on topics of multisensory perception, ranging from neuroscience, cognitive science, psychology, computer science, behavioral biology and its applications. With this it is the major conference in this field. Abstracts should be submitted through the IMRF 2020 web-page <https://cops.ifp.uni-ulm.de/imrf2020/index.php/imrf-2020/registration-submis...>. They should be no more than 300 words. Each individual may present only one contribution. Presenters should be first author. An author can be co-author on more than one contribution. Submission Deadline: March 1, 2020 Decisions will be made by end of March. Registration will open shortly. For more information see the IMRF 2020 web-page <https://cops.ifp.uni-ulm.de/imrf2020/index.php> You can submit your abstracts here <https://cops.ifp.uni-ulm.de/imrf2020/index.php/imrf-2020/registration-submis...>. Looking forward to see you in Ulm later this year, On behalf of the IMRF 2020 organizing team --------------------------------------------------------- Prof. Dr. Marc Ernst Appl. Cognitive Psychology Faculty for Computer Science, Engineering, and Psychology Ulm University Albert-Einstein-Allee 43 89081 Ulm room: 43.3.103 phone: +49-731-50 320 50 sekr: +49-731-50 320 51 fax: +49-731-50 320 59 mobile: +49-152-22 543 156 marc.ernst@uni-ulm.de <mailto:marc.ernst@uni-ulm.de>