The International Centre for Theoretical Physics has issued an open call for applications to a tenure track position in Quantitative Life Sciences, which could be filled by a neuroscientist. The Cognitive Neuroscience faculty at SISSA would be delighted to welcome such a colleague to Trieste and to interact in research and training activities, and recommends that potential applicants look at the particularly favorable employment terms offered by ICTP, as a UN body. See the post in Quantitative Life Sciences on http://www.ictp.it/about-ictp/personnel-office/employment.aspx Early deadline February 17! -- Alessandro Treves http://people.sissa.it/~ale/limbo.html SISSA - Cognitive Neuroscience, via Bonomea 265, 34136 Trieste, Italy and Master in Complex Actions http://www.mca.sissa.it/