We are seeking a highly creative and motivated postdoctoral fellow to work jointly in the Lengyel and Wolpert groups in the Computational and Biological Learning Lab, Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge. Our groups study learning, perception and motor control using theory-driven approaches. The jointly led project will combine human psychophysical experiments and advanced theoretical methods to analyse and model the data. Areas of interest include decision making, active learning, cognitive representations, reinforcement learning. The successful candidate will have - a strong quantitative background - demonstrable interest in theoretical neuroscience as well as carrying out human psychophysical experiments - obtained (or be close to the completion of) a PhD or equivalent in computational neuroscience, physics, mathematics, computer science, machine learning or a related field Preference will be given to candidates with - previous experience in computational and / or behavioural neuroscience - sufficient programming skills to run numerical simulations (eg. in C, Python, or MatLab) - expertise with advanced data analysis and Bayesian techniques Salary: £28,982 - £37,768 pa. The funds for this post are available for two years in the first instance. For informal queries, please contact Máté Lengyel <m.lengyel@eng.cam.ac.uk> or Daniel Wolpert <wolpert@eng.cam.ac.uk>. Máté Lengyel will also be attending the COSYNE 2016 meeting in Salt Lake City between 25 Feb - 1 Mar where he will be happy to discuss details with potential applicants. -- Mate Lengyel, PhD Computational and Biological Learning Lab Cambridge University Engineering Department Trumpington Street, Cambridge CB2 1PZ, UK tel: +44 (0)1223 748 532, fax: +44 (0)1223 765 587 email: m.lengyel@eng.cam.ac.uk web: www.eng.cam.ac.uk/~m.lengyel