Postdoctoral Position – Electrophysiology | Motor Learning | Sleep Motor Systems Neuroscience and Neural Engineering Laboratory We have a NIH-funded postdoctoral position available in the Motor Systems Neuroscience and Neural Engineering Laboratory<https://www.gulatilab.org/> at Cedars-Sinai’s newly formed Center for Neural Science<https://www.cedars-sinai.org/research/areas/neural-science.html> in Los Angeles. Our lab is utilizing a combination of systems neuroscience & neural engineering methods, along with causal manipulation of networks to understand the process of motor skill consolidation in the brain. A specific focus is on sleep’s role in motor learning (Gulati et al, Nat Neurosci 2014; Gulati et al, Nat Neurosci 2017; Kim, Gulati & Ganguly, Cell 2019). We are also utilizing this knowledge to develop novel neurotechnology that promotes motor recovery in motor injuries such as stroke (Gulati et al, J Neurosci 2015; Ramanathan*, Guo*, Gulati* et al, Nat Med 2018). While this published work has looked at motor cortex, our next goal is to record simultaneously from motor cortex and cerebellum in rodents and study the emergence of shared variance as the motor skill consolidates. Postdoctoral fellow will be involved in multi-site recordings as well as data analyses and preparing manuscripts. He/she will also have an opportunity to mentor junior trainees (interns/ graduate students). Salary will follow new California labor laws (current minimum is $54,080) and is negotiable. The position also offers excellent Cedars-Sinai employee benefits. Requirements Applicants are expected to have a PhD in Biomedical Engineering/ Neuroscience or a related discipline. Experience in one or more of the following is needed: data analyses and programming (Matlab/ python)/ animal training/ experimental neurophysiology. Candidates with strong experience in computational analyses but limited experimental experience will also be considered. Application Instructions Interested applicants should contact me with their CV, a letter stating their interests & experiences, and contact information for 2-3 references. Email: tanuj.gulati@csmc.edu<mailto:tanuj.gulati@csmc.edu> IMPORTANT WARNING: This message is intended for the use of the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain information that is privileged and confidential, the disclosure of which is governed by applicable law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this information is strictly prohibited. Thank you for your cooperation.