SAVE THE DATE 15th-17th OCTOBER, 2025 A 2.5 DAY WORKSHOP on the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning of the analysis of single-cell spatial transcriptomics, in Lyon, France. https://ai4singlecell.sciencesconf.org/ REGISTRATION (TO OPEN SOON) IS FREE BUT MANDATORY The analysis of data from single-cell, potentially spatial, transcriptomics, increasingly relies on artificial intelligence (AI) or machine learning (ML) computer tools. Beyond the familiar clustering of single-cells, they promise to offer access to a wide spectrum of far-reaching biological information, including the inference of cell-cell interactions, lineage reconstructions or the 3d spatial organisation of the tissue. The workshop will deliver both general introductions targeting the non-expert biologist who plans to start using these algorithms, and state-of-the-art methodology-oriented talks for a more expert audience. PROGRAM DRAFT Confirmed invited speakers include: Xiang Zhou <https://xiangzhou.github.io/>, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA Per Uhlén <https://ki.se/en/research/research-areas-centres-and-networks/research-group...>, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden Genevieve Stein O’Brien <https://www.steinobrienlab.org/>, Johns Hopkins University, USA Yvan Saeys, <https://saeyslab.sites.vib.be/en> Ghent University, Belgium Marianna Rapsomaniki <https://www.chuv.ch/en/bdsc/research/our-groups/ai-ml-for-biomedicine>, Lausanne University Hospital, Switzerland Laura Cantini <https://research.pasteur.fr/en/member/laura-cantini/>, Pasteur Institute, Paris, France Quentin Blampey <https://github.com/quentinblampey>, Paris-Saclay University, France The program will feature both general introductory talks and expert-level methodology-oriented presentations. As well as live sessions demos of application packages for concrete illustration of use cases! MORE SOON... program updates a call for contributed talks a call for contributed live sessions for package demos registration openning Meanwhile, don't hesitate to contact us at: ai4singlecell@sciencesconf.org <https://ai4singlecell.sciencesconf.org/>