Dear Colleagues: We cordially invite you to the 1st Brain-Computer Interface Un-Conference (BCI-UC)! https://bciunconference.univie.ac.at/ The 1st BCI-UC is an entirely virtual event that takes place on July 23rd 2020 from 3 pm to 9:30 pm (CEST). It differs in various ways from traditional conferences in our field: * All presentations are publicly streamed via Crowdcast. * Anybody can apply for a presentation slot by submitting an abstract. All registered attendees can up-vote their favorite abstracts. In this way, the whole community decides which presentations they would like to see presented at the conference. * Voting commences on Monday, June 29th at 8 am (CEST) and ends on Thursday, July 16th at 12 midnight (CEST). The authors of the top-rated abstracts are invited to present their work at the conference. * Registration (free of charge) is required for submitting an abstract and to up-vote submissions. In addition to the contributed talks, the 1st BCI Un-Conference features two keynotes presentations: 1. Mariska J Vansteensel (UMC Utrecht Brain Center): Towards the Daily Life Implementation of ECoG-BCIs 2. Christian Herff (Maastricht University): Decoding Speech from Invasive EEG Please join us in exploring this new way of disseminating research in our community! The BCI-UC Organizing Committee: Moritz Grosse-Wentrup Anja Meunier Philipp Raggam Anita Resch Jiachen Xu -- Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Moritz Grosse-Wentrup Research Group Neuroinformatics Faculty of Computer Science University of Vienna Hörlgasse 6, A-1090 Wien, Austria moritz.grosse-wentrup@univie.ac.at +43-1-4277-79610 http://neural.engineering/