We are searching for a PhD candidate from the EU (due to grant restrictions) with a master degree in physics/engineering, computer sciences or neuroscience and an interest in human/brain machine interfaces. The subject of the thesis is linked to the difficulties for human operator to control/monitor highly automated system. This performance problem remains difficult to characterize. In this project, analyzing brain activity in supervisory task, we aim to identify the neuro-functional correlates of this performance problem. The goal is to better understand how human operators interact highly automated system and make recommendation for the design of highly automated system or imagine brain computer interface to help the interaction between humans and machines. This project will be co-directed by two researchers in interdisciplinary fields, Bruno Berberian who is expert in human control of highly automated systems and Arnaud Delorme who is expert in mind wandering and EEG signal processing. The location of the PhD will be Salon de Provence in the south of France primarily and secondarily in Toulouse in the south east of France. If you are from the EU and are interested, please send your CV, two contacts for reference, a motivation letter (max one page) and reference letters (optional) to Bruno Berberian <Bruno.Berberian@onera.fr> before April 23rd, 2015. Please group all documents into one PDF for easier processing.