Columbia Workshop on Brain Circuits, Memory and Computation 2018 <http://www.bionet.ee.columbia.edu/workshops/bcmc/2018> BCMC 2018 March 15-16, 2018 Center for Neural Engineering and Computation <http://cnec.columbia.edu/> Columbia University, New York, NY, USA Overview The goal of the workshop is to bring together researchers interested in developing executable models of neural computation/processing of the brain of model organisms. Of interest are models of computation that consist of elementary units of processing using brain circuits and memory elements. Elementary units of computation/processing include population encoding/decoding circuits with biophysically-grounded neuron models, non-linear dendritic processors for motion detection/direction selectivity, spike processing and pattern recognition neural circuits, movement control and decision-making circuits, etc. Memory units include models of spatio-temporal memory circuits, circuit models for memory access and storage, etc. A major aim of the workshop is to explore the integration of various sensory and control circuits in higher brain centers. A Fruit Fly Brain Hackathon <http://www.bionet.ee.columbia.edu/hackathons/ffbh/2018> is being conducted in conjunction with the workshop. Workshop participants are welcome to attend the hackathon. Registration Registration is free but all participants have to register <https://bcmc2018.eventbrite.com/>. Thank you! Organizer and Program Chair Aurel A. Lazar <http://www.ee.columbia.edu/~aurel>, Department of Electrical Engineering, Columbia University. Program Overview (Confirmed Speakers) Misha B. Ahrens <https://www.janelia.org/lab/ahrens-lab>, Janelia Research Campus, Ashburn, VA. Davi Bock <https://www.janelia.org/lab/bock-lab>, Janelia Research Campus, Ashburn, VA. Claude Desplan <https://wp.nyu.edu/desplanlab/>, Department of Biology, New York University. Mark A. Frye <http://www.fryelab.net/>, Department of Integrative Biology and Physiology, University of California, Los Angeles. C. Giovanni Galizia <http://neuro.uni-konstanz.de/03team/content/galizia.html>, Department of Biology, University of Konstanz. Maria N. Geffen <https://geffenlab.weebly.com/maria.html>, Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Department of Neuroscience, University of Pennsylvania. Hokto Kazama <http://kazama.brain.riken.jp/index.php>, Riken Brain Science Institute, Tokyo. Donggen Luo <http://mgv.pku.edu.cn/?co=posts&ac=faculty&catalog=enpiintro&pname=en_Dongge...>, McGovern Institute for Brain Research, Peking University, Beijing. Thomas Nowotny <http://www.sussex.ac.uk/profiles/206151>, Department of Informatics, University of Sussex. Pavan Ramdya <https://ramdya-lab.epfl.ch/home>, Brain Mind Institute, EPFL, Lausanne. Aravinthan D.T. Samuel <https://scholar.harvard.edu/aravisamuel/home>, Department of Physics and center for Brain Science, Harvard University. Simon G. Sprecher <http://www.sprecherlab.com/simon-sprecher/>, Department of Biology, University of Fribourg. Seth Tomchik <http://www.scripps.edu/tomchik/>, The Scripps Research Institute Florida. Joshua T. Vogelstein <http://jovo.me/>, Dept. of Biomedical Engineering and Institute for Computational Medicine, Johns Hopkins University. Scott Waddell <https://www.dpag.ox.ac.uk/research/waddell-group>, Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics, University of Oxford. Anthony M. Zador <http://zadorlab.cshl.edu/>, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. Aurel http://www.bionet.ee.columbia.edu