Dear All, We are very happy to announce that the "International Conference on Gender and Technology 2025<https://www.amrita.edu/events/gender-technology-conference-2025>" will be held at Amrita University in Kerala, India, from January 16 to 19, 2025, and invite all to submit research papers for the conference. This flagship event is organized by Amrita University, in collaboration with UNESCO. IEEE Society on Social Implications of Technology (SSIT) and IEEE Kerala Section are technical co-sponsors for the conference. Submit your paper here<https://bit.ly/ICGT25> Conference website<https://www.amrita.edu/events/gender-technology-conference-2025> Through peer-reviewed paper publications and presentations, keynote sessions, panel discussions, and a GenAI x Gender Tech hackathon, the conference aims to be a catalyst for change. We will inform, encourage, and celebrate technology designed with inclusion in mind, with a particular focus on women's empowerment. We will explore how women can lead the charge in creating technology that not only transforms their lives but also creates positive outcomes for all. We will bring together diverse stakeholders, including UN agencies, Government representatives, academicians, experts, policymakers, civil society, industry, gender financing institutions, senior and early researchers, and students, to facilitate an intergenerational and interdisciplinary dialogue. Conference activities will also include a poster session, a concluding awards ceremony for best conference papers, posters, and hackathon teams, a gala dinner and cultural performances. ***************************** TOPICS ***************************** The conference will focus on (but is not limited to) the below core thematic areas, through the lens of gender and emerging technologies such as AI, blockchain, AR/VR, Robotics, Neuroscience, etc. For more details on each theme below, please visit our conference website<https://www.amrita.edu/events/gender-technology-conference-2025>. 1. Gender, Society, and Representation in Emerging Technologies 2. Climate Change, Environment, and Gender 3. Gender, Livelihood, and the Future of Work 4. Women’s Health and Sanitation in the Digital Age 5. Safety and Security: Gendered Perspectives on New Technologies 6. Gender, Education, and Cultural Shifts through Technology 7. Socio-cultural Change, Access to Technology, and Gender Equity Politics 8. Building Inclusive Resilience to Disaster and Climate Change 9. Inclusive Technology Design for Social Good 10. Ethics, Data Science, and Social Problem Solving 11. Emerging Technologies: Opportunities and Vulnerabilities 12. Gender and Finance: Technological Innovations for Financial Inclusion ***************************** IMPORTANT DATES: ***************************** Paper Submission Deadline: August 30, 2024 Notification of Acceptance: October 15, 2024 Final Camera-ready Paper: November 15, 2024 Registration Deadline: December 15, 2024 ***************************** SUBMISSION GUIDELINES ***************************** Full Papers for Publication and Presentation (up to 6 pages in length, including the full reference section): Mature results, tested innovations, or completed projects. Poster Presentation (1–2 page summary/abstract): Discussion of fieldwork in progress (with insufficient results for a full paper) that addresses intention, unexpected challenges, unintended outcomes, successes, and failures. All papers must adhere to the IEEE Standard two-column conference format on A4 size paper in English. Use IEEE conference templates in Word or LaTeX to prepare your manuscript. The use of artificial intelligence (AI)–)-generated text in an article shall be disclosed in the acknowledgments section of any paper submitted. The sections of the paper that use AI-generated text shall have a citation to the AI system used to generate the text. All submitted articles should report original, previously unpublished research results, experimental or theoretical. Articles submitted to the conference should meet these criteria and must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Any act of plagiarism will result in immediate rejection of the paper. Papers for publication must be submitted in full paper electronically via EDAS Submission System. Accepted papers presented by an original author or co-author will be published in the Conference Proceedings, and submitted for inclusion in IEEE Xplore and scopus indexing, subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements. Posters will be published as an addendum to the conference proceedings and will not be submitted to IEEE Xplore or for scopus indexing. Join us at the 2025 International Conference on Gender and Technology to contribute to a dynamic exchange of ideas and insights shaping the future of technology through a gender lens. We look forward to your submissions and to welcoming you to Kerala, India, for the event. For inquiries, please contact: gendertechpublications@am.amrita.edu<mailto:gendertechpublications@am.amrita.edu> Submission can be sent at https://bit.ly/ICGT25 ***************************** CONTACT ***************************** E-mail (for general inquiries): gendertechconference@am.amrita.edu<mailto:gendertechconference@am.amrita.edu> E-mail (for paper submission inquiries): gendertechpublications@am.amrita.edu<mailto:gendertechpublications@am.amrita.edu> Website: https://www.amrita.edu/events/gender-technology-conference-2025 -- Prof. Shyam Diwakar, Ph.D. Director - Amrita Mind Brain Center Faculty Fellow - Amrita Center for International Programs Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham (Amrita University) Amritapuri, Clappana P.O. Kollam, India. Pin: 690525 Ph:+91-476-2803501 Fax:+91-476-2899722 http://amrita.edu/mindbrain [https://ci3.googleusercontent.com/mail-sig/AIorK4y0J3snkg8ODMTKoZbKJ51foHfWT...] [https://intranet.cb.amrita.edu/sig/RankingLogo.png] Disclaimer<https://intranet.cb.amrita.edu/sig/Disclaimer.htm>