The Stuttgart Centre for Simulation Science at the University of Stuttgart, Germany, invites applications for a Tenure Track Professorship (W1) "Computational Cognitive Science". The new professor is expected to cover the field of Computational Cognitive Science both in research and teaching, specifically connecting modern data-driven and computational methods for the modeling and simulation of cognitive processes and their applications to human-computer interaction. The position is one of four new professorships that are established at the University of Stuttgart through the DFG Cluster of Excellence EXC 2075 "Data-driven Simulation Science (SimTech)". The professor will be jointly appointed at the Stuttgart Center of Simulation Science and the Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering and linked closely to the Human-Computer Interaction and Cognitive Systems group. We are looking for an ambitious scientist with international standing who will advance the field of Computational Cognitive Science and its respective foundations in Cognitive Science and Computer Science in close interdisciplinary collaboration with researchers from science and engineering as well as from the humanities and the social sciences. Applicants should have made distinguished contributions in at least one of these research areas: • Cognitive modeling and simulation, especially of visual perception • Data-driven and mathematical / statistical modeling of human behavior • Behavioral experiments and evaluation methods • Decision making, human learning and reasoning • Applications of cognitive models and simulations, e.g. in human-robot interaction, computer vision or immersive environments We encourage excellent young scientists in related areas of (cognitive) neuroscience or psychology, machine learning or artificial intelligence or human-computer interaction to apply. We expect contributions to teaching in the Bachelor and Master programs of the Stuttgart Center of Simulation Science and of the Department of Computer Science as well as acquisition of third-party funding and active involvement in further collaborative research projects of the University. The professorship is funded in the context of the joint program for the promotion of early career researchers by the German federal and state governments. The position is a tenure track position leading to an appointment as a W3 professor in case of positive evaluation. The requirements for employment as listed in §51 Baden-Württemberg University Law apply. For more information on the criteria of evaluation and quality management, please visit the website: https://uni-stuttgart.de/tenure-track <https://uni-stuttgart.de/tenure-track> Please submit your application before 20th October, 2019 by e-mail to bewerbung@simtech.uni-stuttgart.de <mailto:bewerbung@simtech.uni-stuttgart.de> with one PDF attachment comprising a curriculum vitae, academic degrees and certificates, full list of publications, research and teaching statements, three selected publications as well as the application form. Applications should be addressed to Prof. Dr. Thomas Ertl, Stuttgart Center of Simulation Science, University of Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 5a, 70569 Stuttgart. Further information and the application form can be found here: https://www.simtech.uni-stuttgart.de/karriere/jobs/ <https://www.simtech.uni-stuttgart.de/karriere/jobs/>. Please be aware of the risks regarding confidentiality and the integrity of your application contents when sending your application via unencrypted e-mail. Please see https://www.simtech.uni-stuttgart.de/karriere/jobs/091145502K2.pdf <https://www.simtech.uni-stuttgart.de/karriere/jobs/091145502K2.pdf> for the official job advert. The University of Stuttgart has established a Dual Career Program to offer assistance to partners of those moving to Stuttgart. For more information, please visit https://www.uni-stuttgart.de/universitaet/arbeitgeber/dualcareer/ <https://www.uni-stuttgart.de/universitaet/arbeitgeber/dualcareer/> The University of Stuttgart is an equal opportunity employer. Applications from women are strongly encouraged. Severely challenged persons will be given preference in case of equal qualifications. The information on the collection of personal data in accordance with Article 13 of the GDPR can be found via the following link: https://uni-stuttgart.de/datenschutz/bewerbung <https://uni-stuttgart.de/datenschutz/bewerbung>