Dear comp neuro community https://neuroscience.uchicago.edu/postdoctoral-fellows-theoretical-and-compu... The Grossman Center for Quantitative Biology and Human Behavior at the University of Chicago seeks outstanding applicants for multiple postdoctoral positions in computational and theoretical neuroscience. Appointees will join as Grossman Center Postdoctoral Fellows, with the freedom to work with any of its faculty members. We especially welcome applicants who develop computational models and machine learning analysis methods to study the brain at the circuits, systems, or cognitive levels. The current faculty members of the Grossman Center to work with are: (informal enquiries are welcome) Brent Doiron. The Theory of Neuronal Circuits lab investigates how the cellular and synaptic circuitry of neuronal circuits supports the complex dynamics and computations that are routinely observed in the brain. We use techniques from dynamical systems theory, statistical mechanics, and information theory to build and analyze cortical circuit models, often in collaboration with experimental teams investigating visual, olfactory, auditory, and decision-making cortices (bdoiron@uchicago.edu). Jorge Jaramillo. The Distributed Neural Dynamics and Control lab investigates how subcortical structures interact with cortical circuits to subserve cognitive processes such as memory, attention, and decision making. We are looking for scientists to work on projects in collaboration with experimental colleagues at UChicago, Allen Institute, and LMU Munich including: large-scale models for cognition in the mouse and in silico models of human deep brain stimulation (jorge.jaramillo@uni-goettingen.de). Ramon Nogueira. The Artificial and Biological Neuroscience lab investigates the geometry of representations in different areas of the brain to understand the computational support of cognitive processes like flexible behavior and generalization by developing computational tools and collaborating with experimental labs. We study the role of noise in representational geometry and behavior and use artificial neural networks to validate the results from biological networks (rnogueira@uchicago.edu <rnogeuira@uchicago.edu>). Appointees will have access to state-of-the-art facilities and multiple opportunities for collaboration with exceptional experimental labs within the Department of Neurobiology, as well as other labs from the departments of Physics, Computer Sciences, and Statistics. The Grossman Center offers competitive postdoctoral salaries in the vibrant and international city of Chicago, and a rich intellectual environment that includes the Argonne National Laboratory and the Data Science Institute. The Grossman Center is currently engaged in a major expansion that includes the incorporation of several new faculty members in the next few years. Application: Please send your application before Dec 10th 2023 as a single PDF file including: i) a CV with publications highlighted; ii) a motivation letter specifying the types of projects you would like to work on; iii) the names and contact details of two academic references to neurotheory@uchicago.edu. Earliest start date: January 1st 2024, or via mutual agreement. The University of Chicago is committed to sustaining a diverse, equitable and inclusive workplace. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, pregnancy, genetic information, gender identity or expression, age, disability, or protected veteran status. Underrepresented minorities are strongly encouraged to apply. -- Heinrich Kluver Professor of Neurobiology and Statistics Director of the Grossman Center for Quantitative Biology and Human Behavior Chair for the Committee on Computational Neuroscience University of Chicago Chicago IL https://brainmath.bsd.uchicago.edu/