Dear all, We are happy to announce a winter school on the Mathematics of Memory, the "Memory School" which will take place Jan.16-20 2017 at the Centre de Recerca Matemàtica in Bellaterra (Barcelona), Spain. This is a week-long intensive course on the biology and mathematics of memory, including plasticity, learning, working memory, long-term memory, hippocampal and cortical network mechanisms and more. The confirmed school instructors are Nicolas Brunel University of Chicago Shaul Druckmann Janelia Research Campus Wulfram Gerstner Laboratory of Computational Neuroscience Gianluigi Mongillo CNRS Sandro Romani Janelia Research Campus Harel Shouval University of Texas Misha Tsodyks Weizmann Institute of Science Mark van Rossum University of Edinburgh This course is appropriate for both junior and senior researchers. Attendees will also have the opportunity to present their own work in a poster session. For more information and to register please go to the website http://www.crm.cat/en/Activities/Curs_2016-2017/Pages/MATHMEM_School.aspx The Memory School is the opening event of a two-month long Intensive Research Program on the Mathematics of Memory at the CRM in Barcelona, Spain. Throughout the months of January and February there will be invited speakers, and the program will culminate in a week-long series of symposia on special topics on memory from leading experimentalists and theoreticians. For more information please go to http://www.crm.cat/en/Activities/Curs_2016-2017/Pages/IRP-MATHMEM.aspx best regards, Alex Roxin (and on behalf of the co-organizers Nicolas Brunel and Sandro Romani)