Welcome to the 7th INCF Congress of Neuroinformatics in Leiden, the Netherlands, August 25 - 27, 2014 Neuroinformatics 2014 includes keynote lectures (Margarita Behrens, Mitya Chklovskii, Daniel Choquet, Ila Fiete, Michael Milham, and Felix Schürmann), workshops, and a special symposium on population-based neuroimaging, hosted by the INCF Netherlands Node. The last day to submit your abstract is April 27, submit it here: http://www.neuroinformatics2014.org/abstracts Registration is open at http://www.neuroinformatics2014.org/registration Watch the NI2014 promo video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aEudq3SOwK0 We kindly ask that you print and display the congress poster at your institution: it's available for download at http://www.neuroinformatics2014.org/documents/a0_poster_nov_2013 We're looking forward to seeing you in August! -- Malin Sandström, PhD Community Engagement Officer malin.sandstrom@incf.org International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility Karolinska Institutet Nobels väg 15 A SE-171 77 Stockholm Sweden http://www.incf.org