This email originated outside the University. Check before clicking links or attachments. Dear colleagues, We are currently advertising two positions at Senior Lecturer/Reader level (US equivalent: Associate Professor) to join our Psychology department at Lancaster University, UK. The search area is broad, including neuroscience (and developmental cognitive neuroscience) and computational approaches. Deadline for applications: 13 December, 2021 We have fantastic shared research facilities for developmental cognitive neuroscience (see, with several Tobii eye trackers, 4 EGI EEG systems, fNIRS, head mounted eye tracking, motion capture, BioPac, and an observation room, plus excellent technical support. Our facilities for adult neuroscience comprise diverse EEG systems, TMS as well as several eye trackers. Please see our research pages for more details:<> Lancaster University is consistently ranked in the top 10 in the main UK league tables, and Lancaster has a high quality of life with beautiful surrounding countryside, good schools, and excellent transport links (London, Edinburgh, Glasgow 2.5h , Manchester airport 1.5h, all by direct train). Full details are here: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gert Westermann Professor of Psychology Department of Psychology Lancaster University Lancaster LA1 4YF, UK Contact me on Teams<> Phone: +44 (0)1524 592 942<>