Our lab (www.ccnlab.net <http://www.ccnlab.net/>) recently received funding for a PhD and postdoc position at the interface between machine learning (deep learning, Bayesian modeling, computational linguistics) and neuroscience: http://www.ru.nl/english/working/job-opportunities/details/details-vacature/... <http://www.ru.nl/english/working/job-opportunities/details/details-vacature/...> http://www.ru.nl/english/working/job-opportunities/details/details-vacature/... <http://www.ru.nl/english/working/job-opportunities/details/details-vacature/...> The positions deal with the development of new computational models to probe how naturalistic representations are encoded across the cortical surface. For the PhD position, we are looking for candidates with a Master’s degree in cognitive (neuro)science, computational neuroscience or a related area of research. Candidates should have excellent programming skills, a strong mathematical background and prior experience with acquisition of neural data. For the postdoc position, we are looking for candidates with a PhD degree in machine learning, artificial intelligence, computational neuroscience, applied mathematics or a related area of research. Candidates with a degree in cognitive neuroscience and a strong mathematical background would also be eligible. Start of the project is negotiable but preferably September 2015.