We are looking for someone whose research encompasses neural computation and ML / AI to join us at Bristol University. We're hoping to appoint at Senior Lecturer / Associate Professor level but a Lecturer / Assistant Professor appointment would also be possible. The University of Bristol is an exciting centre for research into the nature of computation and inference in humans, animals and machines. Our computational neuroscience group has made important contributions in, for example, anatomically-constrained neural networks, Bayesian approaches to data and inference, biomimetic deep learning, neurolinguistics and the theory of neural networks. We will consider candidates from across the broad range of neural computation, computational neuroscience and AI; the only constraints is that we want someone who will be happy being part of a neural computation community and who can teach machine learning and AI. The University has a long tradition of cross-disciplinary research and computational neuroscience is recognised for our central role in the local neuroscience and machine learning / AI communities. Bristol itself is attractive city within easy reach of London, close to appealing countryside. It has a thriving arts and music scene and an optimistic international outlook. Our advert is here: https://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/DEB054/lecturer-senior-lecturer-associate-profess... The deadline for applications is 2023-12-07 with interviews on 2024-01-12. Contact any of us if you have any questions. All the best Conor Houghton, Laurence Aitchison, Seán Froudist-Walsh (conor.houghton / laurence.aitchison /sean.froudist-walsh)@bristol.a ______________________________ Conor Houghton SEMT, Bristol University. Merchant Vulturers Building, Woodland Road BS8 1UB, Bristol conorhoughton.github.io pronouns: he / him [cid:2cf58357-6141-4f7f-a405-d7a7231e8bb1]