*Research Fellow / Postdoc positions in Complex Networks and Brain Dynamics is available in Prague, Czech Republic:* We are looking for new team members to join the _Complex Networks and Brain Dynamics group <http://cobra.cs.cas.cz/>_to work on its interdisciplinary projects. The group is part of the *Department of Complex Systems, Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences - based in Prague, Czech Republic,*_https://www.cs.cas.cz/ <https://www.cs.cas.cz/>_. We focus on the development and application of methods of analysis and modelling of real-world complex networked systems, with particular interest in the structure and dynamics of human brain function. Our main research areas are neuroimaging data analysis (fMRI & EEG, iEEG, anatomical and diffusion MRI), brain dynamics modelling, causality and information flow inference, nonlinearity and nonstationarity, graph theory, machine learning and multivariate statistics; with applications in neuroscience, climate research, economics and general communication networks. More information about the group at _http://cobra.cs.cas.cz/ <http://cobra.cs.cas.cz/>_. **Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis with a first cut-off point on June 30, 2022.** For more information and application see https://www.cs.cas.cz/job-offer/research-fellow-postdoc-position-Hlinka1-202... Do not hesitate to contact the principal investigator for informal inquiries concerning the position: Ing. Mgr. Jaroslav Hlinka, Ph.D., hlinka@cs.cas.cz, Web: http://cs.cas.cz/hlinka. Institute of Computer Science Czech Academy of Sciences Pod Vodarenskou vezi 2 Prague 8, 182 07, Czech Republic https://www.cs.cas.cz/