This is a *Call for Proposals* for the *Open Research Tools & Technologies* devroom/track at FOSDEM 2020. Web version: https://research-fosdem.github.io/ For the first time at FOSDEM, we are organising a track for the tools and technologies being used in and developed for researchers and scientists and the unique challenges surrounding these topics. FOSDEM (Free and Open source Software Developers' European Meeting) is a non-commercial, volunteer-organised European event centred on free and open-source software development. It is aimed at developers and anyone interested in the free and open-source software movement. It aims to enable developers to meet and to promote the awareness and use of free and open-source software. More info: https://fosdem.org/2020/about/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FOSDEM The *Open Research Tools & Technologies* devroom is a track dedicated to bringing together developers of research tools with users, potential future contributors, and developers of the wider FLOSS community to discuss the unique challenges for these particular areas of software development. We aim to: - Allow knowledge-based tool developers to publicise their efforts and become aware of other FLOSS projects. - Facilitate the pooling of coding efforts on (often poorly funded) tools. - Create a network where otherwise isolated developers and research engineers can share common concerns. - Provide social recognition for people who work in fields where designing and developing tools does not produce the traditionally recognisable outcomes, e.g., research papers. We seek talks about: - New software releases of research tools or technologies. - Feedback on open technology stacks used in research contexts (e.g., scientific research, journalistic inquiry, archive creation or publication, etc.) which collect, analyse, document, visualise, and/or share data. - Tool design and implementation for specific research contexts, e.g., how to hold an algorithm accountable to social scientists, how to foster better replicability and interoperability thanks to FLOSS, how to cope with biases of a chart for a data journalist, etc. - Issues and opportunities about bridging tech culture with research environments (research labs, libraries, newsrooms, museums, etc.). Talks will be around 20-40 minutes long + 5-10 minutes Q&A, must be in English, will be video recorded by the amazing FOSDEM staff and will be available on the FOSDEM video recordings archive. *Time and place:* Saturday 1st February 2020 from 10:30 to 19:00 ULB, Brussels, Belgium *How to submit proposals* *By submitting a proposal you agree to being recorded and to have your talk made available.* *Deadline:* Sunday 1st December 2019 23:59 CET Submissions must include: - Abstract - Session type (Lecture or Lightning talk) - Session length (20-40 min, 10 min for a lightning talk) - Expected prior knowledge / intended audience - Speaker bio The following information may also be provided but is optional: - Links to code / slides / material for the talk - Links to previous talks by the speaker Submission process is managed in the Pentabarf system used by the FOSDEM conference. Apply for a talk: https://penta.fosdem.org/submission/FOSDEM20 When submitting your talk in Pentabarf, make sure to select the *Open Research Tools and Technologies Devroom* as the Track. If you already have a Pentabarf account from a previous FOSDEM event, please reuse it. Feel free to contact me directly for any questions or concerns: koutsou@biologie.uni-muenchen.de <koutsou@bio.lmu.de> *Other devrooms that might be of interest* Even if FOSDEM is not science-specific, you might be interested by many other talks. Some developer rooms (tracks) that may be relevant to the interests of this mailing list: - HPC, Big Data, and Data Science - Graph systems and algorithms - Open source design - Community *Developer room organisers* Achilleas Koutsou, G-Node, http://g-node.org https://github.com/achilleas-k Michael Sonntag, G-Node, http://g-node.org https://github.com/mpsonntag Paul Girard, Sciences Po médialab, https://medialab.sciencespo.fr/equipe/paul-girard https://github.com/paulgirard Mathieu Jacomy, Aalborg University TANT Lab, https://www.tantlab.aau.dk/ https://github.com/jacomyma