**Apologies for cross-posting** [All details about this school can be found online at The NEURON School < https://www.neuronschool.org/>] The organisers are excited to announce the third edition of The NEURON School on Computational Neuroscience. This *one-week* school will introduce the basic use of the simulation environment NEURON and related software to build brain models from experiments to their applications. - The school will provide basic notions on experimental methods to extract and process morphological and electrophysiological data targeting their use to build computational models of single neurons and neuronal networks. - The school will cover how these models can be constructed based on the principles of biological tissue electrophysiology. We welcome applications from full graduate, PhD students, and PostDocs in a variety of fields from biology, neurobiology and psychology, to physics, engineering, and mathematics, and industry professionals with a relevant background. Applicants are expected to have a good background in their discipline, an interest in neuroscience, and some knowledge (even basic) of computer programming. We will soon post updates and a flyer about the school organisation. *Format*: Morning tutorials will be complemented with Afternoon coding sessions and Evening discussions promoted by presentations of Senior Scientists. *Date and Location:* September 12th to September 16st, 2020 at the Pula Research Centre < https://www.sardegnaricerche.it/index.php?xsl=376&s=13&v=9&c=3874&nc=1> within the Science and Technology Park of Sardinia, Cagliari - Sardinia (ITALY). Application Deadline: 15 August 2022 *Applications*: Please visit https://www.neuronschool.org/ where you can find more information regarding costs, travel, and lodging. If you have any questions about the school or the application process, please contact smgsolinas@uniss.it or enrico@uniss.it We look forward to your registration and to welcoming you to the Pula Research Centre!