apologies for double posting! ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Pares Burgues, Narcis <narcis.pares@upf.edu> Date: 17 November 2014 17:37 Subject: Master in Cognitive Systems and Interactive Media (Applications Accepted) To: CHI-ANNOUNCEMENTS@listserv.acm.org * <http://www.upf.edu>* *CSIM - Master in Cognitive Systems and Interactive Media <http://www.upf.edu/csim/>* CSIM's goal is to study and advance the *design, construction* and *deployment* of *advanced autonomous artifacts* that interact in complex physical and social environments, grounded in our understanding of biological, psychological and technological principles. Our CSIM students: - design, construct and deploy interactive artifacts <http://www.upf.edu/csim/information/thesis/> - publish their work in top journals and conferences <http://www.upf.edu/csim/information/thesis/#Publications> - have access to unique infrastructures <http://www.upf.edu/csim/teaching/> - find exciting academic and professional opportunities after the master <http://www.upf.edu/csim/alumni/> - are immersed in an international melting pot: +30 nationalities <http://www.upf.edu/csim/presentation/#International> - exhibit their artifacts at festivals, museums and events <http://www.upf.edu/csim/information/thesis/#Exhibitions> All this in a *culturally and socially rich, modern and dynamic* city as *Barcelona <http://w110.bcn.cat/portal/site/Turisme?lang=en_GB>* and in Universitat Pompeu Fabra <http://www.upf.edu>, the university in Spain with the highest performance per researcher and one of the fastest rising universities in Europe. Master 100% in English *APPLICATIONS OPEN <http://www.upf.edu/postgrau/en/acces-admissio/proces_inscripcio.html#.VGZ5wP...> starting November 24* *Narcís Parés Burguès, PhD.* Tenure Associate Professor Cognitive Media Technologies group ICT Department http://cmtech.upf.edu/ Coordinator of CSIM Master http://csim.upf.edu/ [image: Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona]