Dear Colleagues, I invite you to browse the May 2014 issue of Proceedings of the IEEE on "Engineering Intelligent Electronic Systems Based on Computational Neuroscience", edited by M. D. McDonnell, K. Boahen, A. Ijspeert, and T. J. Sejnowski. An editorial overview is at Individual papers can be downloaded from (you need to have access to a subscription). For more information on Proceedings of the IEEE, see Papers in the special issue: • The SpiNNaker Project, Furber, S.B. ; Galluppi, F. ; Temple, S. ; Plana, L.A. • Information Systems Opportunities in Brain–Machine Interface Decoders, Kao, J.C. ; Stavisky, S.D. ; Sussillo, D. ; Nuyujukian, P. ; Shenoy, K.V. • Dynamic and Succinct Statistical Analysis of Neuroscience Data, Kim, S. ; Quinn, C.J. ; Kiyavash, N. ; Coleman, T.P. • Neurogrid: A Mixed-Analog-Digital Multichip System for Large-Scale Neural Simulations; Benjamin, B.V. ; Gao, P. ; McQuinn, E. ; Choudhary, S. ; Chandrasekaran, A.R. ; Bussat, J. ; Alvarez-Icaza, R. ; Arthur, J.V. ; Merolla, P.A. ; Boahen, K. • Spike-Based Synaptic Plasticity in Silicon: Design, Implementation, Application, and Challenges; Rahimi Azghadi, M. ; Iannella, N. ; Al-Sarawi, S.F. ; Indiveri, G. ; Abbott, D. • Power Consumption During Neuronal Computation; Sengupta, B. ; Stemmler, M.B. • Small Brains, Smart Machines: From Fly Vision to Robot Vision and Back Again; Franceschini, N. • An Augmented Two-Layer Model Captures Nonlinear Analog Spatial Integration Effects in Pyramidal Neuron Dendrites; Jadi, M.P. ; Behabadi, B.F. ; Poleg-Polsky, A. ; Schiller, J. ; Mel, B.W. • Prospective Optimization; Sejnowski, T.J. ; Poizner, H. ; Lynch, G. ; Gepshtein, S. ; Greenspan, R.J. • Stereo, Shading, and Surfaces: Curvature Constraints Couple Neural Computations; Zucker, S.W. • Regulating Cortical Oscillations in an Inhibition-Stabilized Network; Jadi, M.P. ; Sejnowski, T.J. • Stochastic Electronics: A Neuro-Inspired Design Paradigm for Integrated Circuits; Hamilton, T.J. ; Afshar, S. ; van Schaik, A. ; Tapson, J. • Noise as a Resource for Computation and Learning in Networks of Spiking Neurons; Maass, W. • Large-Scale Synthesis of Functional Spiking Neural Circuits; Stewart, T.C. ; Eliasmith, C. • Evolved Machines Shed Light on Robustness and Resilience; Bongard, J. ; Lipson, H. Regards Mark McDonnell (on behalf of Guest_Editors, M. D. McDonnell, K. Boahen, A. Ijspeert, and T. J. Sejnowski)