FACULTY POSITION IN QUANTITATIVE LIFE SCIENCES AT THE ABDUS SALAM INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR THEORETICAL PHYSICS (ICTP). ICTP is seeking applicants for a new faculty position in its recently established Quantitative Life Sciences (QLS) research section. QLS responds to the theoretical challenges arising from recent advances in large-scale experiments in biology and neurosciences. The successful applicant will play a leading role in establishing the new section, promoting cutting-edge research in quantitative biology and supervising graduate students. Areas of interest include systems biology, biological networks, systems and computational neuroscience. Applicants should have an outstanding international reputation with at least 4 years of scientific research experience. The position, which will start in October 2015, will be at the P3 UNESCO level, with a starting salary of $78100. Other benefits include family allowance, home travel, education grant for dependent children, pension plan and medical insurance. Full details of the position, along with a link to the UNESCO online application, are available on ICTP's employment webpage and at http://www.ictp.it/about-ictp/personnel-office/employment.aspx <http://www.ictp.it/about-ictp/personnel-office/employment.aspx> The deadline is 3 June 2015. For further information please contact ICTP's Personnel Office at personnel_office@ictp.it <mailto:personnel_office@ictp.it>. ICTP, based in Trieste, Italy, provides a top class multi-disciplinary research environment in theoretical sciences, with cutting edge research, education and training, and it has been a driving force behind global efforts for the advancement of science in the developing world.