A fully funded POSTDOC POSITION in computational neuroscience is available in the lab of Klaus Wimmer, Computational Neuroscience Group at the CRM, Barcelona, Spain. *Profile* We are looking for an enthusiastic and scientifically curious researcher with a strong interest in computational neuroscience. The perfect candidate has a strong mathematical, physical or engineering background, scientific programming skills (Matlab, Python), and a keen interest in biological neural systems. Knowledge in computational neuroscience, dynamical systems, machine learning or advanced statistics is a plus. Good team spirit is a must. *Research topic* The neural basis of decision making and working memory has been studied extensively, yet our understanding of how distributed circuits in the brain perform these cognitive functions is only at the beginning. Models of cortical circuits can shed light on the underlying neural network dynamics. The Postdoc will work on building such models and on cutting-edge analysis of large-scale neural activity recordings (neuronal population recordings, fMRI, EEG). *The lab* The Computational Neuroscience Group is based at the Centre de Recerca Matemàtica at the campus of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. It is a joint effort of Alex Roxin and Klaus Wimmer, and forms part of a larger network of theoretical and systems neuroscience labs in Barcelona. The successful candidate will benefit from a vibrant and stimulating research community and will have the opportunity of enjoying a lively city. More information can be found at: https://sites.google.com/view/wimmerlab *How to apply* Interested candidates should e-mail their application as a single pdf file to Klaus Wimmer, kwimmer@crm.cat, with the subject “Postdoc 2018”. The application should include: (1) CV with publication list, (2) a brief description of research experience and interests, (3) contact information for two references. The position is available immediately and applications will be accepted until it is filled. Informal inquiries are welcome. -- Klaus Wimmer Ramón y Cajal researcher at Centre de Recerca Matemàtica Campus de Bellaterra, Edifici C 08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona) Spain Tel. +34 935 86 85 15 https://sites.google.com/view/wimmerlab