Hi, Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences and the Donders Institute Sleep & Memory Lab are looking for a joint PhD candidate combining data science/AI, wearable EEG technology, and sleep research. In this project, we will use machine learning to investigate big sleep data, using both large open sleep EEG datasets and unique novel studies with multiple repeated sleep EEG recordings via full polysomnography and sleep EEG wearables in naturalistic home-based settings. The results will be fed back into the development of sleep EEG software and hardware, and clinical applications in psychiatry and neurology. Further info: https://dreslerlab.org/phd-position-machine-learning-for-big-sleep-data Cheers, Martin -- Donders Sleep & Memory Lab, Radboud University Medical Center Kapittelweg 29, 6525 EN Nijmegen, Netherlands https://dreslerlab.org