*Call for Post-Doctoral Fellows in the Neuroplasticity & Neural Activity MRI-Lab * Two fully-funded post-doc positions are available immediately in the Neuroplasticity & Neural Activity MRI-Lab <http://neuro.fchampalimaud.org/en/research/investigators/research-groups/gro...> at the Champalimaud Neuroscience Programme (CNP), Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown in Lisbon, Portugal. We are looking for top-tier, highly-motivated Post-Doctoral Fellows who have a strong interest in understanding how underlying neural activity is related with fMRI signals. The focus is on performing high-end BOLD and nonBOLD fMRI with simultaneous calcium recordings and/or electrophysiology in rodents, using optogenetics for pretargeting specific populations of neurons. In particular, we aim to hire one person with extensive experience in* in vivo* calcium recordings / imaging and/or electrophysiology and one person with extensive experience in fMRI analyses. An excellent, well-documented track-record is imperative. To apply, please send the following items to noam.shemesh@neuro.fchampalimaud.org: 1. Cover Letter stating your interests 2. A full CV, including list of publications 3. Names and email addresses of at least 3 references. Successful applicants will receive full funding and a private/national health insurance. Call deadline: *Feb 28th 2017*. ------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------- The Shemesh Lab in Champalimaud Neuroscience Programme (CNP) <http://neuro.fchampalimaud.org/en/research/investigators/research-groups/gro...> investigates neural activity, neuroplasticity, and how they elicit behavioral changes *in vivo*. These questions are interrogated in the context of normal processes (development, learning…), as well as in neuropsychiatric and neurodegeneration animal models of disease. Our approach involves a plethora of advanced methods, mainly revolving around state-of-the-art preclinical MRI/MRS, augmented by simultaneous ancillary techniques (optogenetics, calcium recordings, advanced behavioral testing). One of the main goals in the Lab is to develop nonBOLD fMRI methods, which will report on neural activity much more directly compared to conventional fMRI. This ERC-funded Lab benefits from a cutting-edge, ultrahigh field 16.4T scanner, as well as a 9.4T scanner equipped with two 4-element array cryoprobes (for mice and rats, respectively), another 1T scanner for basic scanning and testing in more biomedical settings, and lasers for optogenetics / calcium recordings; the Lab also has a fully equipped surgery room, space for performing extensive behavioural studies and access to one of Europe’s largest vivaria and ancillary platforms for histology, microscopy, transgenics and viruses, among others. CNP is situated within the Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown <http://www.fchampalimaud.org/en/>, a private, non-profit foundation residing on Lisbon’s waterfront, right where the River Tejo meets the Atlantic Ocean. CCU provides a stunning and productive working environment, harboring a Neuroscience department for basic research, and a clinical centre for treating cancer patients with pioneering methods. This unique blend of basic research and clinical practice under the same roof, which actively encourages collaborations and exchange of ideas, results in a highly interdisciplinary and stimulating atmosphere. Post-Doctoral salaries are very competitive vis-à-vis Lisbon costs of living, and post-docs further benefit from health insurance.