Dear Researchers, Science Beam team would like to take the opportunity to invite you for “Deep Dive Into ERPs Technique” Online Course to be held on January-February 2021. This is going to be a 7-session course which is coming after the “Introduction to ERPs and ERPLAB” WEBINAR. If you haven’t taken part in the mentioned webinar, you can watch it now by clicking on the link below: In this course you will learn: • Dynamics of ERPs • Design of experiments • ERP components • Artifacts • Pre-processing steps • Principles of ERP recording • Quantifying ERP amplitude and latency The course will involve a combination of lectures, discussions, and laboratory activities. An integrated set of lectures on the fundamentals of ERPs will be given by the instructor. For more information and registering please visit the link below: If you need more information please don’t hesitate to contact me. WhatsAppNo: 008613380781282 Mary Rezaee Human Neuroscience Department Manager International Affairs Rep.