Dear colleagues, please find below the announcement for an open PostDoc Position on “visual perceptual processes and learning mechanisms in the infant brain” at Freie Universität Berlin. We would highly appreciate if you could forward this announcement to potentially interested candidates. With best regards, Moritz Köster --- Dr. Moritz Köster <https://www.ewi-psy.fu-berlin.de/einrichtungen/arbeitsbereiche/kulturvergl_e...> Freie Universität Berlin *PostDoc position in Cognitive Developmental Neuroscience at Freie Universität Berlin* We seek for a highly qualified PostDoc (3 years, 100%, TV-L 13) to join us in investigating the development of early visual perceptual processes and learning mechanisms in the infant brain. The position will focus on the application of state of the art analysis-methods from cognitive neuroscience (e.g., neural oscillatory analyses, SSVEP, MVPA, connectivity analyses) to infant EEG data, to understand the development of the visual system in the first year of life. The scope of the project is within the cognitive developmental neuroscience, a highly dynamic, multidisciplinary, and rapidly growing field. The position is part of a DFG-funded project led by Dr. Moritz Köster at the Freie Universität Berlin, in collaboration with Prof. Stefanie Höhl (Vienna University) and Dr. Radoslaw Martin Cichy (Freie Universität Berlin). The post holder will be affiliated with the “Neural Dynamics of Visual Cognition” group at the Freie Universität Berlin. The main responsibilities will be performing cutting-edge EEG data analyses, publishing articles in high-ranked peer-reviewed journals, the supervision of data assessments, and the training and co-supervision of a PhD student (based at Vienna University). The preferred starting date is the 1st of March 2020 (but this date is flexible). Interested candidates should send a CV, a brief motivation letter, and the names and contact details of two academic references to moritz.koester@fu-berlin.de. All applications will be considered until the official closing date (soon announced on the job site of the University <https://www.fu-berlin.de/universitaet/beruf-karriere/jobs>), but later applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Informal requests can be sent to moritz.koester@fu-berlin.de at any time. *Requirements:* - PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience, Psychology, Biology, or a related discipline (completed or submitted) - Very good programming skills (preferentially Matlab) and experience with time series analyses (preferentially on EEG/MEG data) - Excellent command of written and spoken English *Desired:* - First-authored publications in cognitive (developmental) neuroscience - Experience with programming and conducting neuroscience studies - Theoretical knowledge and interest in cognitive neuroscience and/or developmental psychology - Experience in student supervision (Bachelor/ Master’s theses)