Carnegie Mellon - University of Pittsburgh Joint Summer Undergraduate Program in Computational Neuroscience Undergraduates interested in receiving research training in computational neuroscience are encouraged to apply to an NIH-sponsored summer program at the Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition in Pittsburgh. The Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition is a joint interdisciplinary program of Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh. Starting in May of 2016, a select group of talented undergraduates will embark on a 10-week residential program that provides intensive, mentored research experiences in computational and theoretical neuroscience. This program is intended for students who wish to pursue a Ph.D. after graduation. Any undergraduate may apply, but we are especially interested in attracting students with strong quantitative backgrounds especially juniors and seniors from colleges and universities that do not have extensive research programs, and students from groups underrepresented in the sciences. Participants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Selected students will receive a stipend and university dormitory housing. The core of the program is the opportunity to carry out an individual mentored research project working closely with a faculty mentor. Other aspects of the scientific program include: faculty research talks, student presentations and discussion of articles from the scientific literature, presentations on career options and scientific ethics, and a concluding symposium in which students present their research. The 2016 program will run from late May through early August, 2016 (precise dates will be announced in March). The final deadline for application is February 16. All participants must be United States citizens or permanent residents, must be enrolled at a 4-year accredited institution, and must be in their sophomore or junior year at the time of application. Students from groups underrepresented in the sciences are encouraged to apply. 2016 uPNC Summer Fellowship Application available here: http://www.cnbc.cmu.edu/images/CNBC_general/upncsummerapplication2016.doc Application can be returned via email or regular mail (see addresses below). In addition to the application, the following items are required for evaluation: A brief (one page) essay about your interest and experience in neural computation. Official transcript from the institution you are attending Two letters from professional references. You should contact your recommenders and ask them to mail or email a letter directly to us. SAT/ACT scores (do NOT have to be official; photocopies are acceptable) Documents should be mailed to: Computational Neuroscience Summer Program Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition Carnegie Mellon University 4400 Fifth Avenue Suite 115 Pittsburgh, PA 15213-2617 CNBC-summer-UG@andrew.cmu.edu For more information go to this sites: http://www.cnbc.cmu.edu/summercompneuro