Faculty Position in Computational Neuroscience / Machine Learning at Champalimaud Research - Deadline February 28, 2021 The Champalimaud Foundation (CF) invites applications for Group Leaders to join a dynamic and highly collaborative international research institute in Lisbon, Portugal. Champalimaud Research (CR) is seeking to expand its Neuroscience Programme (CNP) with one Junior Group Leader (Assistant Professor equivalent). About you We welcome applicants with expertise in modern Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. Suitable research areas for the recruited applicant include statistical methods for complex, high-dimensional datasets, artificial neural networks, computer vision, reinforcement learning, and control theory. We will consider candidates that work on foundational issues in these fields, as well as candidates who take more applied approaches. The ideal candidate should present a research program with both fundamental research and applied elements, and have a strong desire to collaborate with existing teams within CR and CF, including the Champalimaud Clinical Centre. Special attention will be given to applications of individuals from underrepresented groups. About the position To promote risk-taking research, generous support for salary, start-up and annual running costs will be provided. Researchers will be based at the Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown (CCU), a highly interactive and innovative scientific environment where the Neuroscience Programme is composed of groups applying a range of theoretical and experimental approaches to understand the algorithmic, physiological and circuit mechanisms of behaviour. Researchers routinely collect rich datasets ripe for development and application of new analysis tools or comparison with theory. These datasets include high dimensional neurophysiological and imaging data, to -omics, and various measures of behaviour. About us The Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown is situated on the waterfront in Lisbon. English is the official language of the Centre. Lisbon has a sunny Atlantic-Mediterranean climate, vibrant culture, international schools, convenient housing options and is considered one of the world’s safest cities. About the application Applications should include a (1) detailed scientific curriculum vitae, which may include any mentoring, outreach, or policy experiences, (2) a brief summary of past accomplishments (max. two pages), (3) a description of future research plans (max. four pages), (4) three key publications (pdf-files preferred, preprints welcome) along with (5) brief (~200 word each) descriptions of their significance, and (6) contact details for three individuals who can provide recommendation letters upon request. Applications or informal inquiries should be addressed to careers@research.fchampalimaud.org <mailto:careers@research.fchampalimaud.org> with the subject “Neuro GL Call 2020 – YOUR LAST NAME”. The deadline for the applications is February 28, 2021 and review of applications will begin in March, 2021. Non-discrimination and equal access policy The Champalimaud Foundation actively promotes non-discrimination and equal access, so that no candidate may be privileged, favored, prejudiced or deprived of any right or excluded from any duty on the basis of age, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, race/ethnicity, disability, chronic illness, language, nationality, territory of origin, family status (marital, pregnancy and maternity, having or not having dependents), socioeconomic situation, education, religion, political or ideological beliefs, trade union membership, or on any other grounds which are not deemed relevant for the performance of the duties associated with the advertised position.