*Joint Ph.D. position in Systems Neuroscience at Karolinska Institute and KTH Royal Insti. of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden* We invite applications for a joint PhD position in the groups of Dr. Arvind Kumar (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden) and Dr. Dinos Meletis (Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden) to study the dynamics of neuronal ensembles in mouse striatum. *Brief** description of the project* Striatum is the main input of the basal ganglia and plays an important role in a diversity of cognitive and motor functions. The goal of the project is to understand how the population activity of striatal neurons encodes external stimulus and behavioral states of the animal. To this end the student will record, analyse and model the striatal activity in different conditions. *Qualifications* We are looking for a student with a MSc (or equivalent) degree in Physics or Engineering and a strong background in data analysis and/or analysis and modeling of physical systems. Previous knowledge of neuroscience would be useful but not necessary. *Appointment* This will be a joint position at KTH and KI Stockholm, Sweden. The employment as a Phd student is time limited following the regulations for Ph.D. employment in the Higher Education Ordinance (~ 5 years with 80% PhD studies and 20% department service including teaching) of Sweden. *About the research groups* The PhD student will work under the supervision of Dr. Arvind Kumar and Dr. Dinos Meletis. *Dr. Kumar's* research group is based at the *KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm. *He uses computational and analytical methods to understand the dynamics and information processing in biological neuronal networks. His lab is developing mathematical models of brain diseases to create a theoretical framework to understand the mechanisms underlying the emergence of disease related aberrant activity dynamics in diseases (e.g. Parkinson's diseases, epilepsy, anxiety). Relevant to the project, in last few years they have developed computational models of the striatum and basal ganglia to understand the role of input correlation, emergence of neuronal assemblies and oscillations. More information about Kumar lab *https://www.kth.se/profile/arvindku/ <https://www.kth.se/profile/arvindku/>* *Dr. Meletis'* lab is based at the *Karolinska Institute, Stockholm*. The lab studies neural circuits that are responsible for generating motivated behaviors, for example the basal ganglia and the serotonin system, and how dysfunction in the activity of neuron subtypes can lead to reward disorders. The lab has established experimental methods to perform large-scale in vivo imaging of the activity of neuron subtypes during behavior in freely moving mice and methods to precisely perturb the activity of genetically defined neurons (optogenetics). Relevant to the project, the lab is investigating the distinct role of striatal neuron subtypes in learning and representing reward and punishments, with the aim to develop an understanding of the neural and ensemble computations that underlie behavior. More information about Meletis lab http://meletislab.org/ *Application* The application should include the following documents: 1. CV including your relevant professional experience and knowledge. 2. Copy of the degree certificate(s) and transcripts of records from your previously attended university-level institutions. Translations into English or Swedish if the original documents are not issued in one of these languages. 3. Statement of purpose: Why do you want to pursue a PhD, what are your academic interests, how they relate to your previous studies and future goals; maximum 2 pages long. 4. Weblink of representative publications or technical reports 5. Contact information for two reference persons. We reserve us the right to contact references only for shortlisted candidates. Send the above info as a single zip file to Dr. Arvind Kumar *arvkumar@kth.se <arvkumar@kth.se>* *Application deadline: 30 Sept. 2017* *For more info. contact* Dr. Arvind Kumar *arvkumar@kth.se <arvkumar@kth.se>* *https://www.kth.se/profile/arvindku/ <https://www.kth.se/profile/arvindku/>* Dr. Dinos Meletis: *Dinos.Meletis@ki.se <Dinos.Meletis@ki.se>* *http://meletislab.org/ <http://meletislab.org/>* -- Dr. Arvind Kumar Computational Biology, School of Computer Science and Communication KTH, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. Adjunct Faculty at: Bernstein Center Freiburg, Neurobiology and Biophysics, Faculty of Biology University of Freiburg, Germany http://www.bcf.uni-freiburg.de/people/details/kumar cancer blog: http://theoryofcancer.blogspot.com cricket blog: http://rightarmoverfast.blogspot.com