Dear Colleagues, It is our pleasure to announce that registration and abstract submissions are now open for the 6th annual meeting of the GDR Multielectrode that will be held in Grenoble (minischool) and Autrans (conference) on January 5-8, 2016. You will find the preliminary program and all useful informations and instructions to register at the following address : http://gdr2904grenoble.sciencesconf.org/ Please don't hesitate to spread the word around you to make this event as rich as possible. Several companies will present their products, and we particularly thank Blackrock Microsystems, Atlas Neuroengineering, and g.Tec for their strong support. Important notes: 1) The language of the meeting is English 2) Deadline for registration and abstract submission is November 15, 2015 3) There are mostly double rooms and only extremely few single rooms available onsite for participant housing, so please choose a single room only if really necessary - thank you so much for your understanding! 4) We plan to organize several practical hands-on sessions in parallel for the second half of the minischool, please let us know which one you would be interested in. 5) This year, a special demo session will be held on Friday 8 afternoon, so you can submit an abstract for this session if you would like to demo a software or a hardware 6) Bus transportation will be available to go from Grenoble to Autrans and back. We plan to propose 2 buses to go back to Grenoble on Friday afternoon at two different times, please specify which one you would prefer. 7) Finally, we have planed a time for an outdoor activityon Thursday 6th afternoon (snow equipment provided). If we have snow, a biathlon initiative will be organized. Please let us know if you would be interested to participate, given that it will be free and will not require any special skiing skills, so everyone can participate! Looking forward welcoming you in the Alps, Best regards, Blaise on behalf of the whole organizing committee. -- Blaise Yvert. Inserm Research Director Clinatec Laboratory UA01 Biomedical Research Center Edmond J Safra CEA-INSERM-UJF-CHU Grenoble Minatec Campus 17 rue des Martyrs 38054 Grenoble cedex 09 Tel. +33 4 38 78 91 38 / +33 6 32 88 75 90 Fax. +33 4 38 78 53 55 http://www.clinatec.fr (under construction)