PhD/MSc IN NEUROINFORMATICS, COMPUTATIONAL NEUROSCIENCE, UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH. We invite applications for the PhD and MSc programme in Neuroinformatics and Computational Neuroscience at the University of Edinburgh. The MSc programme is a one year course introducing key concepts and applications through courses and a research project. It serves as preparation for a PhD or work in industry for students from quantitative disciplines with little or no previous exposure to neuroscience. A wide range of courses are available, including computational neuroscience, bioinformatics, machine learning, robotics and computer vision. This programme is self-funded. The PhD is a 3 year funded programme with a strongly interdisciplinary character and is ideal for students who want to apply their computational and analytical skills to problems in neuroscience and related fields. Often PhD projects are done in collaboration with one of the many affiliated departments and institutes, which includes experimental neuroscience groups in Edinburgh and beyond. The programme it fully funded and provides a stipend and fees. The PhD programme includes the following themes, where Edinburgh has a strong research community: - computational and mathematical studies of neural information processing - spiking computation and neurorobotics - advanced experimental data analysis - neural simulation and modelling PhD applications can be prepared in conjunction with one of the PhD supervisors in these research areas: - Douglas Armstrong - James Bednar - Matthias Hennig - Michael Herrmann - Peggy Series - Mark van Rossum - Ian Simpson - Barbara Webb For more information on faculty, visit: http://www.anc.ed.ac.uk/neuroscience Examples of ongoing projects are listed here: http://www.anc.ed.ac.uk/dtc/index.php?option=com_projects&completed=0 Students with a strong background in either computer science, mathematics, physics or engineering are particularly welcome to apply. Motivated students with other backgrounds will also be considered. This programme cannot normally consider non-EU applicants unless own funding such as an external studentship is available. Edinburgh has been voted as 'best place to live in Britain', and has many exciting cultural and student activities. Recruitment is a rolling process that ends on 13 March 2015, but for full consideration apply by 12 December 2014. To apply, visit: http://www.ed.ac.uk/studying/postgraduate/degrees?r=site/view&id=489&cw_xml= -- The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336.