Dear members of the computational neuroscience community, I would like to draw your attention to a tutorial that Hil G.E. Meijer, Bastian Pietras, and I will offer at the first day of CNS 2023: "T09 - Applied Dynamical Systems Methods in Neuroscience''. In this tutorial, we will explain basic dynamical systems concepts and analysis methods at the example of single neurons, neural networks, and mean-field equations of neural networks. The main goals of the tutorial are (i) to provide the audience with an intuition of how neural systems can be studied via mathematical models and dynamical systems concepts, (ii) to explain how we can analyze parameter dependencies of these mathematical models via parameter continuation and bifurcation analysis, and (iii) to provide numerical recipes, and software solutions to carry out these analysis methods. For more details on the tutorial, have a look at our website: https://cns2023.sched.com/event/cbd810bd0ffd6a59869a5f89fbf17b58 If you are planning to participate in the hands-on sessions, I advise you to follow the preparation instructions on that website! See you in Leipzig, -- *Richard Gast, PhD* Research associate at the Laboratory for Theoretical Neuroscience and Behavior Morton 5-630 Department of Neuroscience Feinberg School of Medicine Northwestern University phone: +18728026786 mail: richard.gast@northwestern.edu twitter: @rich_gast website: www.richardgast.me