---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Wed, 9 Dec 2015 14:57:49 -0500 From: "Adam Smith (CSE)" <asmith@cse.psu.edu> Subject: data science/ML and cognitive science faculty positions at Penn State -- talk to us at NIPS! Penn State will be hiring multiple faculty in "data science" and "brain science", broadly defined. There are open positions in the department of Computer Science & Engineering as well as Statistics, and positions have the potential to be joint with other departments at Penn State. The ad for the CSE department follows. I will be at NIPS on Thursday (11am poster session) and Friday (at the workshop on adaptive data analysis). Send me an email if you'd like to talk! Adam Smith -- Penn State Computer Science & Engineering http://www.cse.psu.edu/~asmith Links: https://psu.jobs/job/60027 http://eecs.psu.edu/departments/EECS-Departments-Employment-Opportunities.as... http://cra.org/job/pennsylvania-state-university-faculty-position-vacancies/ =========================== Applications are invited for several tenure-track faculty positions at all ranks. Outstanding candidates in all areas of Computer Science and Engineering will be considered. Areas of particular interest are: hardware systems, computer architecture/embedded systems, software systems, brain science, data science, and security with applications to networking, systems and data analytics. Faculty lines in the areas of architecture/embedded systems, data science, and networking will be hired jointly with the Department of Electrical Engineering in the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Hiring in the brain science (especially around the analyses of imaging data) and the security of large-scale cyberphysical systems (including smart grids and food-water-energy systems), will be jointly hired with the Institute for CyberScience. These positions are part of a university-wide initiative to appoint exceptional candidates who can advance algorithms, software and hardware systems with a demonstrated commitment to participating in interdisciplinary research (see www.ics.psu.edu/hire.html). The department has 30 tenure-track faculty in the major areas of computer science and engineering. Fourteen members of our faculty are NSF Career Award recipients. Three faculty members from the department have received the prestigious NSF PECASE Award. In recent years, faculty in the department were awarded several large-scale research grants, including the Collaborative Research Alliance for the Science of Security, a Collaborative Technology Alliance for Network Science and an NSF Expeditions in Computing award. Further, the faculty have received awards in computing and research infrastructure and instrumentation grants from NSF, and are part of DARPA/STARNET Center, an NSF ERC and NSF IGERT team. The faculty are highly successful in obtaining funding from NSF, DARPA, ARL, DOE, DTRA, AFOSR and AOR. There are state-of-the-art research labs for computer systems, computer vision and robotics, microsystems design and VLSI, networking and security, high performance computing, bioinformatics and virtual environments. The department offers a graduate program with 30 Masters students and 132 Ph.D. students, and undergraduate programs in computer science and computer engineering. The university is committed to growing the faculty ranks and promoting interdisciplinary research toward cyber-enabled discovery and design. Penn State is a major research university and is ranked 3rd in the nation in industry-sponsored research and 8th in the nation in research expenditures. U.S. News and World Report consistently ranks Penn State?s College of Engineering undergraduate and graduate programs among the top in nation. Penn State is ranked 5th world wide in Computer Science Citations according to Thomson-Reuters. The university is located in the beautiful college town of State College in the center of Pennsylvania. The State College area has 130,000 inhabitants and offers a wide variety of cultural and outdoor recreational activities. The university offers outstanding events from collegiate sporting events to fine arts productions. Many major population centers on the east coast (New York, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Washington D.C., Baltimore) are only a few hours drive away and convenient air services to several major hubs are operated by three major airlines out of State College. Applicants should hold a Ph.D. in computer science, computer engineering, or a closely related field and should be committed to excellence in both research and teaching. Support will be provided to the successful applicants for establishing their research programs. We strongly encourage dual career couples and candidates from underrepresented groups to apply. Applicants should submit a statement of professional interests, curriculum vitae, and the names and addresses of four references. Please submit these items in a single PDF file electronically at http://apptrkr.com/681413. Nominations and applications will be considered until the positions are filled. If you have questions regarding the application process, please email recruiting@cse.psu.edu. Penn State is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer, and is committed to providing employment opportunities to all qualified applicants without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability or protected veteran status.