The Queensland Brain Institute (QBI) at the University of Queensland invites expressions of interest from exceptional and highly motivated candidates to undertake full-time PhD research in neuroscience. QBI has 40 labs and ~100 PhD students and ~100 postdocs studying all aspects of neuroscience, including systems and computational. QBI is looking for students who can demonstrate: - excellent academic performance during tertiary study evidenced by a high Grade Point Average (GPA); - a high level of commitment to developing their skills as a researcher to conduct high quality neuroscience research; - possession of strong communication skills. The first stage of the application process is to identify the QBI Group Leader with whom you would like to work via https://qbi.uq.edu.au/groupleaders. Then email that Group Leader, including your detailed academic resume and links to any publications, and complete tertiary academic records (including GPA scores/grades, and grading scale details). If interested, the Group Leader will then work with you to develop your application for submission to QBI. For more information about QBI, PhD entry criteria, and UQ scholarships, please visit the QBI website https://qbi.uq.edu.au Expression of Interest closing date: 25 June 2017 (11:55 PM) E. Australia Standard Time. Professor Geoffrey J Goodhill Queensland Brain Institute and School of Mathematics & Physics University of Queensland St Lucia, QLD 4072, Australia Email: g.goodhill@uq.edu.au http://www.qbi.uq.edu.au/professor-geoffrey-goodhill