NeuroEng 2019 is the 12th Australasian Workshop on Computational Neuroscience and Neural Engineering to be held in Adelaide, Australia, November 29-30. Due to several requests, Abstract submission for NeuroEng 2019 is extended until October 4th. However, Early Bird Registration ends midnight tonight (Note GMT+10). You can register at this link <%20http:/www.conferenceonline.com/conference_invitation/22847/?key=4FB9B222-4F05-4D7E-91F6-0D70018F77AB> or via neuroeng.org.au Keynote speakers include Professor Barbara Webb (University of Edinburgh) and Professor Yves De Koninck (Univeriste Laval). We also have talks by Prof Andre van Schaik (WSU), Prof David Grayden (Uni Melbourne), Prof Geoff Goodhill (QBI), A/Prof Pulin Gong (Uni Sydney), Prof Mark Jenkinson (Oxford) and many others. Topics include: Neurophotonics, Theoretical, Mathematical and Computational Neuroscience, Neuroprosthetics and Brain Machine Interfaces, Neural Modelling and Engineering, Neuromorphic Engineering, EEG Analysis, Neural Information Processing, Neuroinformatics, Cognitive Modelling, Neuroimaging and Connectomics, Brain Dynamics and Neurophysics. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. regards, Steve Dr Steven Wiederman +61 403 079 575, steven.wiederman@adelaide.edu.au<mailto:steven.wiederman@adelaide.edu.au>