Post-doc position at Queen Mary, University of London: Geometric Evaluation of Stereoscopic Video. A research assistant is sought for this EPSRC project, which will develop a new approach to the evaluation of 3D content, based on computational models of visual perception. Ideas from computer vision will be used to model the geometry of binocular viewing, including the role of eye-movements. A prototype computer vision system will be developed, for the automatic analysis of disparity statistics in stereoscopic video. The output of this system will be targeted at depth-grading and other post-production tasks. The project is in conjunction with a high-profile graphics and visual effects company. There will also be opportunities to work on stereoscopic VR HMD applications. Expertise in scientific programming, including C++ and Matlab, is essential (OpenCV, R, and GPU programming would be useful). Previous work in augmented reality, 3D reconstruction, or psychophysical methods would be an advantage. Please contact Miles Hansard at Queen Mary, University of London (http://www.eecs.qmul.ac.uk/~milesh/) for further information. All nationalities are eligible to apply. For details and procedure see: http://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/ATW277/research-assistant/ -- http://www.eecs.qmul.ac.uk/~milesh/