Call for scholarship applications within the Master "Digital Life & Smart Living (SMART)" 2015-2016 (www.sssup.it/smart) 20 scholarships are offered to European citizens by TIM-Telecom Italia in partnership with Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna in Pisa. 2 scholarships are reserved for non European Union citizens. All admitted students will receive a total gross amount of € 12.000 scholarship payment to cover transportation and accommodation expenses. All Master tuition fees are covered by TIM-Telecom Italia. This Master is a post-graduate university programme designed for students that own a Master of Science degree. It trains students for a potential hiring in one of the most innovative new-technology multinationals in the world, TIM-Telecom Italia. 80% of participants to the first edition of the Master have been employed by TIM. Application is on-line: www.sssup.it/smart/application Submission deadline: June 18, 2015 The main goal of the Master is to train young graduate talented students who will acquire the competence to design, develop and manage communication systems and "Smart" innovative technologies. The graduated will have the capacity to manage and control advanced technologies in ICT, Robotics and Biorobotics, Software Engineering and Telecommunication Engineering, for the design and management of Smart Solutions. The 20 Master students will attend intensive and exciting series of lessons taught in English, alternating with laboratory experiments, company case-study experiences and seminars (600 hours). In the final stage, an internship at TIM-Telecom Italia will be provided in order to gain direct experience in the fields of business and technologies (750 hours). Total time commitment: Sept. 7, 2015 - Sept. 5, 2016 The Master Degree programme has been developed by TIM-Telecom Italia and faculty members of The BioRobotics Institute, the Institute of Management, and The Institute of Communication, Information and Perception Technologies of Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa, Italy. For more information: www.sssup.it/smart www.santannaschool.eu Secretariat contacts: Federica Faldella Mail: master-smart@sssup.it Phone: +39 050 88 2671 Best regards, Calogero Oddo and Paolo Dario -- Calogero M. Oddo Assistant Professor of Biomedical Robotics Head of the Human Machine Nexus Laboratory, Neuro-robotics Area The BioRobotics Institute Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna Polo Sant'Anna Valdera Viale Rinaldo Piaggio 34 56025 Pontedera (Pisa) - Italy email: calogero.oddo@sssup.it http://sssa.bioroboticsinstitute.it/user/102 -- Paolo Dario Professor of Biomedical Robotics IEEE Fellow Director, The BioRobotics Institute Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna Polo Sant'Anna Valdera Viale Rinaldo Piaggio 34 56025 Pontedera (Pisa) - Italy email: paolo.dario@sssup.it http://sssa.bioroboticsinstitute.it/