Society for Neuroeconomics Annual Meeting 2015 Call for Abstracts Due *June 3rd, 2015* 11:59PM EDT Submit at http://neuroeconomics.org/abstract/ <http://neuroeconomics.us10.list-manage.com/track/click?u=06bb83fa6d8d4ed86f5...> *Meeting Information* *Dates:* September 25 – 27, 2015 *Location:* Conrad Miami Hotel, Miami, FL Annual Kavli Foundation Plenary Lecture Keynote Speaker: *Ann Graybiel*, PhD, Investigator and Institute Professor at the McGovern Institute for Brain Research at MIT Confirmed Kavli Foundation Workshops in the Foundations of Neuroeconomics: *David Laibson*, Harvard University; *Nick Barberis*,Yale University; and *Mara Mather*, USC Consumer Neuroscience Satellite Symposium at the University of Miami on 9/24. Registration is separate. More details to come. *Call for Abstracts* The Society for Neuroeconomics invites submission of research abstracts for its 2015 annual meeting. Abstracts are encouraged from any area of neuroeconomics and decision neuroscience research. All submissions will be evaluated by a Program Committee. About the Meeting: The Society for Neuroeconomics promotes interdisciplinary research and discussion through its annual meeting. The meeting is attended by scholars in all levels and areas of neuroeconomics research including the fields of economics, psychology, neuroscience, finance and medicine. The meeting's format, consisting of general sessions, meals, and a reception, provides ample opportunities for networking and offline discussions. Details of the meeting will be continually updated at http://www.neuroeconomics.org/conference <http://neuroeconomics.us10.list-manage.com/track/click?u=06bb83fa6d8d4ed86f5...> How to submit your abstract: *NEW THIS YEAR: All abstracts will be blind-reviewed by the Program Committee.* In order for your abstract to be blinded for peer review, you must upload two separate files containing your abstract. Please see instructions on what to include in each file below: - The first file contains all sections of the abstract but DOES NOT include authors, affiliations, contact information or acknowledgements (if applicable). Please title this file “Blind_Abstract”. - The second file contains all sections of the abstract but DOES include authors, affiliations, contact information or acknowledgements (if applicable). Please title this file according to the following template: “Last Name_First Name_Abstract”. An administrator screening the abstracts for compliance with requirements will number the files and forward only blinded files to the Program Committee. All abstracts should have titles. Samples for each abstract file to be uploaded can be found by clicking the submission link below. Theses samples are in the preferred font and format with the recommended sections. Please submit abstracts online at http://neuroeconomics.org/abstract/ <http://neuroeconomics.us10.list-manage.com/track/click?u=06bb83fa6d8d4ed86f5...> All submissions will be considered for a 20-minute slide presentation, unless the submitter opts out. If your submission is not selected for a slide presentation, the Program Committee will automatically consider it for a poster presentation. A small selection of posters will also be selected for Poster Highlights, two-minute oral spotlight presentations held during the general sessions. To qualify for abstract submission, you must be a member in good standing with your 2015 dues paid by the time of abstract submission. You can find membership and payment information at http://www.neuroeconomics.org/membership <http://neuroeconomics.us10.list-manage.com/track/click?u=06bb83fa6d8d4ed86f5...> . *Guidelines for abstracts submitted to the Society for Neuroeconomics Meeting 2015* Abstracts should describe novel theoretical, computational and empirical results; abstracts that fail to do so will not be considered. Abstracts should not report findings that will be published elsewhere prior to the meeting, although presentation of the work at a recent meeting (e.g., within a year) of another society is acceptable. The abstract should state the study's objective, briefly describe the methods used, summarize the results obtained, and state the conclusions. Ideally, these sections will be indicated explicitly. It is not satisfactory to say, "The results will be discussed." Abstracts should emphasize the significance of results and general principles rather than describe common methods and procedures. Use standard abbreviations for units of measure. Other abbreviations should be fully spelled out on first mention, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses. The body of your abstract should be no more than 2,300 characters, including punctuation (not spaces), and no longer than 1 page. Abstracts longer than this limit will be returned to the submitting author for revision and must be resubmitted by the abstract deadline or will not be accepted. The title, author, affiliations, contact information, acknowledgements, and references are NOT included in the character count but everything must fit on one page. Figures are not allowed in the abstract. Any conflicts of interest (e.g., financial disclosures) should be declared at the time of submission. For more information click here: http://www.neuroeconomics.org/conference/abstract <http://neuroeconomics.us10.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=06bb83fa6d8d4ed86f...> or contact Echo Wang at wang@neuroeconomics.org