Systems Vision Science Virtual Symposium: July 12th, 2024 -------------------------------- <https://summerschool.lizhaoping.org/symposium-2024/> Systems Vision Science Virtual Symposium takes place on July 12th, 2024, 15:00-19:00 German time, as the end of the <https://summerschool.lizhaoping.org/virtual-systems-vision-science-summer-s chool-symposium-2024/> Systems Vision Science Virtual Summer School. This summer school and symposium are the virtual editions of the onsite <https://summerschool.lizhaoping.org/> summer school and symposium in 2023. We invite contribution and free registration for this symposium. -------------------------------- The presentations at the symposium will include two keynote speeches (30 minutes each): Keynote Speech 1: "Feedback processing in human visual cortex" by Sheng He <https://www.neuroscience.umn.edu/faculty/current-faculty/g-h/sheng-he-phd> , University of Minnesota and Chinese Academy of Science, Institute of Biophysics Keynote Speech 2: "Processing partially occluded objects in the primate brain" by Anitha Pasupathy <https://sites.uw.edu/biostr/people/faculty/anitha-pasupathy/> , University of Washington, Department of Biological Structure and contributed speeches (15 minutes each). The topics of the presentations will be any topic of <https://www.lizhaoping.org/Systems-Vision-Science.html> Systems Vision Science, which combines computational, behavioral, and neuroscience methods to discover and investigate functions and algorithms for vision in various brain regions and their implementations in neural circuits. -------------------------------- To contribute or register, please fill out our registration form (including an abstract for contribution), which can be found here: <https://summerschool.lizhaoping.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Form-to-regi ster-or-submit-a-contribution-to-the-SVS-symposium-2024.docx> https://summerschool.lizhaoping.org/Form-to-register-or-submit-a-contributio n-to-the-SVS-symposium-2024.docx and send the filled form to svs.summerschool@tue.mpg.de <mailto:svs.summerschool@tue.mpg.de> Please direct inquiries to svs.summerschool@tue.mpg.de <mailto:svs.summerschool@tue.mpg.de> . -------------------------------- Organizing Team Li Zhaoping Maria Pavlovic Junhao Liang Ali Gholamzadeh Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics University of Tuebingen www.lizhaoping.org <http://www.lizhaoping.org>