We are looking for three PhD fellows interested in developing neuromorphic systems for robots. They will team up to look at the different aspects involved in developing neuromorphic circuits and computation for sensing, perception, and actuation for soft biomimetic robots. We will aim at coupling soft materials, sensory transduction, neuromorphic circuits and computation, and soft actuation, towards the design of robots that can seamlessly and gently interact with their environment. Each PhD will have their own multi-disciplinary research goals and will be co-supervised by leading scientists in the complementary disciplines: Neuromorphic distributed intelligence for soft robots – Computation with spiking neural networks for haptic perception and closed loop control of soft robots – Supervisors: C. Bartolozzi<https://edpr.iit.it/> & B. Mazzolai<https://bsr.iit.it/> Neuromorphic distributed intelligence for soft robots – Design of neuromorphic circuits on flexible substrates for sensing and computation – Supervisors: C. Bartolozzi<https://edpr.iit.it/> & L. Beccai<https://sbrp.iit.it/> Online neuromorphic perception and actuation for robots – Italian Institute of Technology – Supervisors: C. Bartolozzi<https://edpr.iit.it/>, S. Soldado-Magraner<https://bri.ucla.edu/people/saray-soldado-magraner/> & E. Donati<https://services.ini.uzh.ch/people/elisa> Location: Italian Institute of Technology, via San Quirico 19D, Genova, Italy https://iit.it Enrolment: DRIM PhD School @ University of Genova https://drim.i-rim.it/en/ Official call (with guidelines for applications): https://unige.it/en/students/phd-programmes PhD themes description: https://drim.i-rim.it/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Research-Themes-Hostile-and... - checkout Themes 3,4<https://drim.i-rim.it/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Research-Themes-Hostile-and-Unstructured-Environments-v1.0_3rdcall.pdf%20-%20checkout%20Themes%203,4>,5 Deadline for application: June 30th