Hello, We are happy to announce that the Neuroscience Gateway (NSG) will host a Virtual workshop as a part of the Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting in San Diego, November 2022. Date and time of the virtual NSG workshop: November 12, 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM USA Pacific Time Zone. We have distinguished speakers who are early career researchers to senior researchers. They will present their work, many of which utilize NSG or are neuroscience software projects and are available on NSG for neuroscientists to use on high performance computing resources. Registration is free but required by November 9th. Please register if you plan to attend. Title of the virtual workshop: Neuroscience Gateway - Enabling Large Scale Modeling, Data Processing and Dissemination of Software Details about the list of speakers, abstract of talks and registration are available here: http://www.nsgportal.org/NSG_HPAC_SfN2022_Wkshop.web.htm Thank you. Regards. NSG Team