Tenure Track Research Position - Computer science for Complex Networks and Brain Dynamics The Institute of Computer Sciences of the Czech Academy of Sciences (ICS CAS), Prague, Czech Republic, invites applications for a tenure‐track position in Computer Science in broadest sense. The Complex Networks and Brain Dynamics group (http://cobra.cs.cas.cz/) invites applicants with interest to develop research agenda at the border of Computer Science & neuroscience or complex systems. /Note the parallel open call specifically focused on AI./ *For informal inquiries write to Jaroslav Hlinka at hlinka@cs.cas.cz.* *We offer* a full-time position, which includes the following benefits: * Freedom and support to develop an independent research program. * Flexible working conditions, including the option to work part-time. * Initial salary matching the local price level (monthly gross salary 48-66 thousand CZK based on qualifications and experience - approximately 38-52 thousand CZK net salary), see the Cost Of Living in Prague. <http://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/comparison.jsp> * Additional bonuses based on research performance. * Additional bonuses based on successful grant applications up to 25%. * Career progression based on regular evaluations. * Five weeks of paid vacation on top of public holidays. * Child care facilities in the institute’s building. * Highly attractive and safe location (Prague). * Travel package for the total duration: up to 50 000 CZK for conferences and research stays. * Relocation package for fellow coming from abroad: 10 000 CZK plus 10 000 CZK for family (spouse and/or children). *We encourage you to apply, if you:* * hold a Ph.D. degree in a related field, * have an excellent research record relative to your career stage, and * show the potential to build an independent research group and acquire research funding. *Conditions of contract* You will be appointed for up to 3 years initially and your performance will be evaluated towards the end of this period. In case of a positive review, you will be eligible for an extension or a tenured appointment. Your involvement in graduate teaching programs and supervising graduate students will not be mandatory, yet welcomed by the Institute. *To apply,* submit your application to jobs@cs.cas.cz, including the following: * a cover letter in which you describe your motivation and qualifications for the position, * a curriculum vitae, including a list of publications and a description of the three most important research achievements, * a description of your scientific interest and plans, including potential collaborations within and outside of the institute. You may informally contact hlinka@cs.cas.cz for consulting the outline. * 3 letters of recommendation sent directly to ics@cs.cas.cz by the referees. /*The closing date for application is 20th November 2023.*//**//**/*Expected starting date upon agreement.* -- Jaroslav Hlinka Head of the Department of Complex Systems Institute of Computer Science Czech Academy of Sciences Pod Vodarenskou vezi 2 Prague 8, 182 00, Czech Republic Tel: (+420) 26605 3808 E-mail: hlinka@cs.cas.cz Web: http://www.cs.cas.cz/hlinka/ Complex Networks and Brain Dynamics Group (COBRA): http://cobra.cs.cas.cz