We have 6 open Positions in the Lab of Prof. Pipa, Neuroinformatics, Institute of Cognitive Science, Germany : 1) Postdoc Position in the Field of Deep Learning and Big Data in the domain of weather forecasts. https://www.uni-osnabrueck.de/universitaet/stellenangebote/stellenangebote_d etail/11_ikw_phd_candidate.html 2) PhD Position in the Field of circuit design (i.e. low power low budget mixed analogue and digital components), prototyping and programming of embedded system for the development of a low budget EEG wireless system. https://www.uni-osnabrueck.de/universitaet/stellenangebote/stellenangebote_d etail/25_ikw_research_assistant.html 3) PhD Position in the Field on Computational Cognition, Deep Learning and Theoretical Neuroscience. https://www.uni-osnabrueck.de/universitaet/stellenangebote/stellenangebote_d etail/11_ikw_phd_candidate.html 4) 3 PhD positions in the field of theoretical Neuroscience, Neuroinformatics. https://www.uni-osnabrueck.de/universitaet/stellenangebote/stellenangebote_d etail/26_ikw_research_assistant.html Osnabrück University has been certified as a family-friendly university committed to helping working/studying parents and careers balance their family and work life. The university aspires to ensure equal opportunities for men and women and strives to work towards a gender balance in schools or departments where new appointments are made. If equally qualified candidates apply, preference will be given to those with special needs. Applications with the usual documentation should be submitted by e-mail in a single PDF-file to the Director of the Institute of Cognitive Science (office@ikw.uni-osnabrueck.de <mailto:office@ikw.uni-osnabrueck.de> ) no later than February 21, 2019. Further information can be obtained from Prof. Dr. Gordon Pipa (gpipa@uni-osnabrueck.de <mailto:gpipa@uni-osnabrueck.de> ). Professor and Chair of the Neuroinformatics Department Dr. rer. nat. Gordon Pipa Institute of Cognitive Science, Room 50/218 University of Osnabrueck Wachsbleiche 27, 49090 Osnabrück, Germany tel. +49 (0) 541-969-2277 fax (private). +49 (0) 5405- 500 80 98 home office. +49 (0) 5405- 500 90 95 e-mail: gpipa@uos.de webpage: <http://www.ni.uos.de/> http://www.ni.uos.de research gate: <https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Gordon_Pipa/?ev=prf_act> https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Gordon_Pipa/?ev=prf_act linkedin: <https://de.linkedin.com/in/gordon-pipa-47771539> https://de.linkedin.com/in/gordon-pipa-47771539 Personal Assistent and Secretary of the Neuroinformatic lab: Anna Jungeilges Tel. +49 (0)541 969-2390 Fax +49 (0)541 969-2246 Email: <mailto:anna.jungeilges@uni-osnabrueck.de> anna.jungeilges@uni-osnabrueck.de visit us on <http://www.facebook.com/CognitiveScienceOsnabruck> http://www.facebook.com/CognitiveScienceOsnabruck <https://twitter.com/#!/CogSciUOS> https://twitter.com/#!/CogSciUOS