Dear all, We are pleased to announce the FRoBio: Freiburg Robotics and Biology Conference - Bringing together nature and technology. The conference will take place on 22nd of November until 24th of November 2023 at the University of Freiburg, Germany. The event brings together international experts of different disciplines, such as biology, chemistry, medicine, materials science, nanotechnology, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, optics, and robotics to share so far untackled research questions or current challenges, novel methods and approaches that are applicable for multiple fields or interdisciplinary research. Abstract submission is now open for in-person participants and the deadline is September, 8th 2023. The registration for online participants will be open in October 2023. For further information on the conference and In-Person / Online Registration please visit the conference website. <> We are looking forward to seeing you at FRoBio in November 2023! Best regards, The Organizing Committee