We at the human robotics group (https://www.imperial.ac.uk/human-robotics) use an integrative approach of neuroscience and robotics to investigate human sensorimotor control, and to design efficient human-machine interaction, assistive devices and training systems for neuro-rehabilitation. We have openings for 2 postdoctoral and 5 PhD positions for projects related to: - predictive haptic coding in animals and for robotics (https://www.ph-coding.eu/) - haptic communication between humans and with robots (see Takagi et al. Nature Human Behaviour 2017, PLoS Computational Biology 2018, eLife 2019; Li et al. Nature Machine Intelligence 2019.) - sensorimotor augmentation and control of supernumerary limbs (see Abdi et al. Scientific Reports 2016; Mehring et al. Nature Communication 2019) - technology for social neurorehabilitation (Mace et al. J of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 2017, in collaboration with https://www.gripable.co/) - development of neural activity in infants born preterm and with cerebral palsy (see DallOrso et al. Cerebral Cortex 2018, Mutalib et al. J of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 2019) Interesting applicants with suitable background(s) can submit a CV and <1 page of motivation for such position to <j.eden@imperial.ac.uk<mailto:j.eden@imperial.ac.uk>> with title "HRG position: <your name>". You can also ask for information at the same address. We are looking for postdocs with a strong background in computational modelling. These postdocs will have the opportunity to work with our network of collaborators and to be involved in guiding of PhD students in their respective projects. Suitable backgrounds for Ph.D. applicants may be in physics, related engineering fields and computer science. Note that the funding is only for the EU/EEA/UK level of fees for PhD studies at Imperial. However candidates from outside the EU are welcome to apply if they have suitable complementary funding. I look forward to your application! Etienne Burdet www.imperial.ac.uk/human-robotics<http://www.imperial.ac.uk/human-robotics> eburdet@ic.ac.uk<mailto:eburdet@ic.ac.uk> Imperial College London South Kensington campus SW7 2AZ London, UK