Dear all, I’d like to remind you that the deadline for next year's IBRO-Simons computational neuroscience imbizo is TOMORROW Tell your friends, and tell your students, especially your African students, as we are still lacking a proper pipeline to disseminate this information. The Imbizo is a summer school in computational neuroscience and machine learning, hosted January 6th - 27th 2019 in Cape Town, South Africa. We are generously sponsored by the International Brain Research Organisation (IBRO) and the Simons Foundation (Simons). TO APPLY visit <> IF YOU ARE NOT SURE WHETHER YOU CAN AFFORD IT, BY ALL MEANS, APPLY. We have generous merit-based awards and stipends to give away!! The Imbizo is designed to introduce students with backgrounds in analytic fields (computer science, statistics, physics, mathematics, engineering, etc.) to the field of computational neuroscience. It will also benefit advanced experimental biologists who would like to learn more computational skills. It also provides an opportunity for students already working in computational neuroscience to do 3 weeks of intensive, focused work in a different sub-topic of the field. Students should generally be at Masters/early PhD level, and have completed at least a 2nd-year university level course in computer science, statistics, physics or mathematics. Some coding experience will also be helpful. More advanced level students (post-Docs, early career PIs) may also be accepted if they can motivate how the courses at the Imbizo could help their career. Well motivated, exceptional undergraduates will also be considered. African students are especially encouraged to apply. The faculty for 2019 include: Dora Angelaki (Bayor College, Houston) Demba Ba (Harvard Uni, Boston) Sophie Denève (ENS, Paris) Adrienne Fairhall (Univ of Washington, Seattle) Peter Latham (Univ College London) Timothy Lillicrap (Google Deepmind, London) Joseph Raimondo (Univ of Cape Town) Athanassia Papoutsi (IMBB-FORTH, Hellas) Srikanth Ramaswami (EPFL, Lausanne) Blake Richards (Univ Toronto) Andrew Trevelyan (Newcastle Univ., Newcastle) Misha Tsodyks (Weizmann Inst., Rehovot) Tim Vogels (Oxford) Byron Yu (Carnegie Mellon Univ, Pittsburgh) TO APPLY visit <> "Imbizo" is an isiXhosa word, meaning "A gathering to share knowledge". The aim of the isiCNI is exactly this: to create an environment in which young African and international students can explore computational neuroscience together, forming strong friendships in the process. Three weeks of intensive lectures, tutorials, projects and fun! Who should apply? The Imbizo is designed to introduce students with backgrounds in analytic fields (computer science, statistics, physics, mathematics, engineering, etc.) to the field of computational neuroscience. It will also benefit advanced experimental biologists who would like to learn more computational skills. It also provides an opportunity for students already working in computational neuroscience to do 3 weeks of intensive, focused work in a different sub-topic of the field. Students should generally be at Masters/early PhD level, and have completed at least a 2nd-year university level course in computer science, statistics, physics or mathematics. Some coding experience will also be helpful. More advanced level students (post-Docs, early career PIs) may also be accepted if they can motivate how the courses at the Imbizo could help their career. Well motivated, exceptional undergraduates will also be considered. African students are especially encouraged to apply. What does it cost? The attendance fee for the isiCNI2019 is EUR 1,100.00. Thanks to our generous sponsors, significant bursaries are available to subsidise and waiver student fees, and provide some travel bursaries. Funding will be allocated according to need and merit. Please be sure to complete the relevant section of the application. IF YOU ARE NOT SURE WHETHER YOU CAN AFFORD IT, BY ALL MEANS, APPLY. We have generous merit-based awards and stipends to give away!!