The Department of Computer Science and Mathematics at the Goethe University Frankfurt invites applications for a tenure-track position in Data Analytics and Modeling at the rank of Assistant Professor. Fields of interest include computational neuroscience, machine learning, data mining, and computer vision. We expect the candidate to possess an excellent scientific track record. Experiences with interdisciplinary and/or international collaborations and actively acquiring third-party support are advantageous. The professorship is embedded in the attractive research landscape in the Frankfurt area within and outside of the university, e.g.: https://www.informatik.uni-frankfurt.de/index.php/en/forschung-en <https://www.informatik.uni-frankfurt.de/index.php/en/forschung-en> https://fias.institute/en/ <https://fias.institute/en/> http://www.rmn2.de <http://www.rmn2.de/> The initial tenure-track appointment as Assistant Professor is for six years. The invitation to apply aims to reach early-stage researchers, who have finished their doctorate within the past four years at the date of application. Upon positive evaluation, the incumbent will be promoted to a permanent position at a higher level (W2, corresponding to Associate Professor). The designated salary for the position is initially based on “W1” of the German university scale or equivalent. Goethe University aims at increasing the number of women in research and teaching and therefore particularly encourages qualified female scientists to apply. Applications of scientists from abroad are explicitly requested. Severely disabled applicants with equal qualification and aptitude will be given preferential consideration. Qualified academics with an excellent, internationally recognized research record are invited to submit their application with curriculum vitae (scientific and professional experience), a list of publications (including conference proceedings), a record of teaching activities (including tutor work), a draft of three pages at most on present and planned research, a record of actively acquired third-party funding (including prizes and fellowships), certificates and documents until 23 July 2018 in electronic form (as a single pdf-file) to the Dean of the Department of Computer Science and Mathematics, e-mail: bewerbung@fb12.uni-frankfurt.de <mailto:bewerbung@fb12.uni-frankfurt.de> For further details on the position see http://www.uni-frankfurt.de/45303044/fb12#DAM_eng <http://www.uni-frankfurt.de/45303044/fb12#DAM_eng> If you have questions about the position please contact Matthias Kaschube, kaschube@fias.uni-frankfurt.de <mailto:kaschube@fias.uni-frankfurt.de>