Dear colleagues, 📣 Last Chance to Apply for Neuromatch Academy 2023! The deadline for applications was extended, but all applications close the next Monday, May 8th! We are especially looking for expert Teaching Assistants (TAs) for project and lead TAs roles! Duties are described here: https://academy.neuromatch.io/roles Benefits of joining as a TA include: * Opportunity to develop teaching, problem-solving, and communication skills * Formal TA training * Paid position School dates: July 10th - July 28th, 2023. Apply here to become student or teaching assistant: https://academy.neuromatch.io *NMA - Computational Neuroscience* Flagship course covering contemporary computational neuroscience modeling and analysis techniques. Content: https://compneuro.neuromatch.io *NMA - Deep Learning* In-depth advanced materials, ideal for graduate students and postdocs wishing to add computational techniques to their neuroscience research, or for individuals looking to dive into the Deep Learning world. Content: https://deeplearning.neuromatch.io *CMA - Computational Tools for Climate Science (17-28th July)* The newest course, a wide-reaching, inclusive and approachable program aimed to introduce computational methods for climate science. Check out the CMA website: https://academy.climatematch.io Access the *Application Portal* and apply before the *deadline (May 8th)* ! Apply here to become student or teaching assistant: https://academy.neuromatch.io *What is Neuromatch Academy?* Neuromatch Academy (NMA) teaches computational techniques crucial for success in academia and industry. It serves thousands of students each year with hundreds of teaching assistants (TA). Students learn by solving problems in small groups and by running group projects; they learn in many languages in an incredibly supportive environment. *What’s in a course?* Our courses are intensive 3-week programs involving hands-on tutorials developed by experts in the field. Accepted students are placed into TA-led pods (groups) using the Neuromatch algorithm, which matches students with common interests who are in the same timezone and their preferred language for instruction. Students also receive personalized support as they work through hands-on tutorials and collaborate on course projects. [Please note that course participation requires active attendance and attention of the students for 3 weeks.] *Why should you apply to NMA?* This program provides a dynamic learning experience that fuses neuroscience and computational techniques. Collaborate with a global community of experts and peers, hone your problem-solving skills, and build a supportive network that celebrates inclusivity and accessibility in science education. Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to advance your knowledge and skills. Apply to unlock your potential and propel your career forward! *What does it cost?* Neuromatch Academy’s mission is to make education affordable to everybody, no matter their financial background. We do this by pricing our courses significantly lower than other summer schools, adjusting for national economic factors, and allowing students to pay what they can when those adjustments are insufficient. Please see the website https://academy.neuromatch.io for additional information and volunteer opportunities! Warm Regards, Neuromatch Academy team -- Alberto Antonietti, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Nearlab - NeuroEngineering And medical Robotics Laboratory Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering Politecnico di Milano http://www.nearlab.polimi.it/